Wednesday, June 24, 2009
"Tummy Time" 18 Weeks
Monday, June 22, 2009
Big Day!

My dad is pretty awesome as well. Thanks for being such a great dad to me and grampa to my little man. There were years when we got along...less well. I tried his patience. He loved me anyways and might I add that he is now a VERY patient, and understanding man and while I know that most of that is just his nature, I like to think that the development and refinement of those good qualities are somewhat due to the years of practice I gave him. Love you dad!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
17 weeks
Tate is so much fun right now. He is such a happy little boy. Gone are the days of the 1 hour melt downs a few times a day for no apparent reason. If he is sleepy, hungry, or needs to be changed he is grumpy and otherwise he is a very pleasant little man. It's just wonderful. Just last week we got his first giggles and he is getting quite good at it now. It's like he starts getting excited and it fills him up and bubbles out. Then at the end of his giggle he does this big gasp like he is just overwhelmed by how funny that was. So sweet.
He's also started blowing raspberries. It increases the drooling. It's pretty darn cute though.
Being Tate's mom is so great. I just didn't know. I didn't know that I could have so much fun taking care of someone else. I didn't know that I could love a little tiny person so much. I didn't know I would worry about things that are so far away because I just want the best for this little man so badly. I didn't know I could watch an hour disappear just listening to my little boy make his sweet noises and trying to make him smile. I didn't know that I would ever be woken at 3 am and be excited to spend time with my baby. I didn't know that I would I would fall in love with my sweetheart all over again while watching him love our little boy. My life is entirely different than it was 4 months ago and you know what? It's pretty darn good.
1- Kissed Glenn
2- Kissed Tate
3- Lunch with Glenn at work
4- Grocery shopping
5- Bathed Rosie
6- Laundry
7- Read some of "My Sister's Keeper". Jodi Picoult. Good stuff.
8- Snuggled my sweetheart while watching our netflix movie.
8 Favorite TV shows...
1- The Office
2- Lost
3- So You Think You Can Dance? (Oh no I don't, but watching that show makes me WISH I could!)
4- News
5- Gilmour Girls reruns
6- What not to wear
7- Friends reruns
8- Did I say the office? I suppose I don't follow that many TV shows...this list was hard!
8 Favorite Eats...
1- Macaroni Grill
2- Olive Garden
3- Carrabas
4- California Pizza Kitchen
5- Cheesecake Factory (Yes I do like Italian food.)
6- Indian restaurants! (The Clay Pit in Austin, Bombay House in Provo...Yum!)
7- PF Changs
8- Yummy sandwich places (Gandolfo's, Pot Bellies, Which Wich. I'm a girl of simple tastes.)
8 Things I am looking forward to...
1- Glenn coming home from work
2- The weekend
3- Going to Utah in the fall
4- Going back to Austin
5- Going to Wicked in August
6- Every new thing Tate learns!
7- Shakespeare Festival with the whole fam this year.
8- Starting our "done with school" life.
8 Things on my wish list...
1- For my marriage to my sweetheart to stay as fun as it is now.
2- For my little boy to grow up to be a good, sweet boy.
3- A nice, safe place for all of us to grow up in.
4- TRAVELING! With my brothers, sisters, and parents, just Glenn and I, and with my own little family too.
5- To enjoy working out. I enjoy the after work out feeling. But I've never really enjoyed the actual working out. That would be nice.
6- A good job for my honey.
7- To be more involved in theatre again someday.
8- To see the world! Well, not every bit of it but I do have an extensive list.
8 Things I'm thankful for...
1- Glenn
2- Tate
3- My families.
4- The gospel
5- That my sweet boys and myself are all healthy.
6- That we are in the situation that we are in during this economic crisis. We're lucky to not have much to lose right now and we feel like we're in a good place!
7- Summertime. Swimming, sunshine, travel, snow cones, everything about it!
8- That I live in America
8 People I Tag... (keep in mind, dears, if you choose not to participate in the tagging I will love you still!)
Janelle Cluff
Amy Makechnie
Jenny Woodard
Stephanie Thomas
Katelyn Hunt
Lindsay Banks
Joni Jacobs
Camarie Hansen
Monday, June 15, 2009
Blessing Day
Little Tate was wonderful before church and did great during the blessing too. He was very well-behaved. Oh by the way, I got a haircut while in Utah. I was bored and it is really hot here in Texas so I decided to try something new. I like it a lot. It's so different. I've never cut my hair this short before but it's nice.
After church was a different story. The poor guy couldn't get himself to sleep so he just cried the whole afternoon. I think the pictures are still pretty cute. He's got a great mad face.
It was fun to spend some time with my little niece again. She is so different from the last time I saw her. It's amazing how much she is learning. She is a sassy little girl now.
Auntie Kenzie and Tater. Happy birthday my dear little sister. Hope you know how much we love you and how glad we are that you are our sister and aunt!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I spent some time today trying to catch Tate making a cute smiling face. This is the result.And those are just the best of many many more pictures I took. I decided that there are just going to be some less than adorable pictures of my adorable boy and you know what? That's okay, because the funny looking pictures are still pretty cute. It took both Glenn and I to get some smiling pictures later this evening. We were out shopping and I worked to make him smile while Glenn was sneaky with the camera.
In other news there were two new developments this week. First, Tate is amazingly drooly of late. I mean just soaking in drool. It's amazing the kid isn't dehydrated.
Also, Tate has decided to sing us awake a few times this week. It's the sweetest thing. He'll just wake up and start cooing in his crib for quite a while until he's ready to be picked up. It's very nice of him to help ease me awake some mornings when I do not feel ready to get up yet. A couple of nights ago I got up to feed him at 4am and then put him down to sleep again. He decided that he didn't want to sleep yet and spent the next half hour just cooing and singing to us from his pack and play in the corner. It was so so sweet. Glenn and I just layed in bed and laughed because it was super cute but we also just wished that he would go back to sleep. Silly boy. It's nice that since we are sharing a little bedroom in our little apartment that he is being so pleasant about it.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Space Center, Houston
For instance: Did you know that as astronauts bodies are adjusting to being in space their spines expand anywhere from two and a half to four inches in the first 48 hours? Well they do.
Very cool place. Check.