Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The Day After
Friday, February 19, 2010
First Birthday!
I know little man. It is so good, isn't it? I don't know why I thought the cake devouring was so stinkin' funny. I could have watched him frantically shove cake in his face all night. I guess I really don't give him too many sweets so it was a special treat. By the third handful his hand was shaking on the way to the cake, he was so excited for more. By the end he had handfuls of cake in his fists. He didn't think he could eat any more but he just didn't want to let it go. He still got pretty mad at Glenn when he took the cake away the put him in the tub.
After the tub we got in new jammas and opened presents from sweet friends. They gave Tate such perfect gifts: new bibs, and little peoplehome made rattles, and trucks and balls. Little Tate did not know what to do with it all!
And then there was paper and tissue all over the place at the end. So many things that make fantastic crackly noises!
It was a wonderful day! Thanks to everyone who celebrated with us, even through phone calls and emails. It was so fun to spend a day just celebrating our little boy! Happy year one little man.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Dear Tate,
Happy Birthday Little Man. Today you are one year old. All day long I've been singing you "Happy Birthday". You seem to like it every time although you don't really get what it means. We had pancakes for breakfast, went out with the Cluff ladies for lunch, and had an awesome party for you tonight. Lots of our dear friends came over to wish you Happy Birthday. We had yummy cake (which you devoured with gusto), tons and tons of sweet presents, and played with toys. I think you had a pretty fun day.
Tate my little lovie, I cannot believe that you are one year old today. Your first year went so fast. Maybe it's because we've moved around and traveled so much that all of the big chunks of time when we were away just blurred together and made it seem faster. Maybe it's because once you came into our little fam everything changed, even the way that time seems to pass.
One year ago you came into our little family and I became your mom. I love being your mom Tate. I love getting you out of your crib and snuggling you in the morning. I love feeding you food and watching you react to new things you try. I love playing with you, reading books, and singing songs. I love feeding you bottles which is getting to be one of the few times when I can get you to hold still and snuggle. I love taking care of you and watching you grow and learn new things. Seeing the world through your eyes makes me happy because everything is so exciting to you. You remind me to slow down and enjoy the sweet little things in life the way you do.
You have always been a sweet and content little man. You cry when you're tired, feeling sick or hurt, and sometimes when you're hungry, but that's about it. If those things are taken care of then you're chattering to yourself and playing and happy as can be. You are pretty relaxed and don't get upset very easily. You fall down sometimes and most of the time you've moved on before I can get there to comfort you. It takes a pretty good owie to make you upset. You can keep yourself busy just playing with your toys, but you do like to know that we're around. Sometimes you follow us around from room to room and sometimes you take off down the hall and just come back to check in with us every minute or two.
You love books, especially when dad reads them. Your favorite at the moment is our little Dr. Seuss book, The Foot Book. Dad reads it with his very animated voice and tickles you on certain pages. It's very fun. You also love balls. You have a few and you carry them around from room to room.
You love music. You know how to say something like, "Dance" and you bend your knees a little to wiggle when you hear music. Sometimes you sing to us from your car seat. You've always been very vocal, constantly chatting to yourself as you move along. Your giggle is absolutely fantastic. It's one of the things I love most about you. It doesn't take much to make you smile or giggle and when you do it lights up your whole face with excitement and happiness and the cutest little scratchy giggle comes out. I can't keep from smiling when you're giggling. It's so great.
Tate, you are a very special boy. You bring so much light, happiness, and sweetness wherever you go. Your dad and I often talk about what a sweet kid you are. We think you are the best and most handsome little boy there is. We couldn't love you any more than we do.
I love you little man. You have made my life so much more fun and so much fuller than it was a year ago. You are a joy to be around and I am so proud to be your mother.
Happy One little Tate.