That night our neighborhood was having a little shindig so we went to check it out. A little train ride, real horses, lots of free toys and a bounce house. Little Tate, who was already incredibly hyper, was in heaven.
The last fun outing we had with Grampa was a few days later. He went with us to the zoo. When the idea was proposed Tate said, "Mom, Grampa and Tate will go to the zoo and you can just stay home." Ah, thanks buddy. But I ended up going as well. Tate was a bit grumpy that day and not super enthused about anything, but he did get to show Grampa the drums. Oddly enough, still his favorite part of the zoo.
Tate thought Grampa was just the coolest. They played hide and seek every day. That never got old, even though Tate clearly doesn't quite understand all of the "rules" yet.
Little man also had a lot of special bed time stories from Grampa, including one interesting story he had to make up because it was all pictures and no words.
Then there was a lot of snuggling time on the couch and a few tears when he learned Grampa wasn't going to be around in the morning. It was precious. I haven't been able to watch these two play together for a really long time. The last few visits we've made to Utah have been at times when Grampa was either super busy or out of town so they haven't played much for...a really long time. It was heaven to see my little guy absolutely adore and play with his Grampa. Thanks for the visit Grampa. We love you.