1. Glenn's family being sealed together in the Boston, Massachusettes temple. Glenn's dad recently received his endowments and the boys and parents were able to be sealed together in the temple on Tuesday, November 25th. It was one of the most spiritual experiences I've ever had to see all of those grown up boys around their parents being sealed together forever. It was absolutely beautiful. I'm also glad that our little boy was able to be there...sort of.
2. The after-sealing luncheon. We went to the Weston, MA chapel and had a nice lunch with lots of family and friends. A few of whom I hadn't previously met. Arthur presented the haggis in true Scottish tradition. Little Nelson carried it with pride to its' place on the table and Arthur's brother Norm made the first cut. 
Then there was the Mother and Father of the family shoving haggis in each other's faces. Personally, it made me a little queasy just thinking about the contents of the beast.
The grandkids sang "I love to see the temple" and "Families can be together forever" and Brendaen put together a beautiful film of Arthur, Heather, and the family throughout the years. I want a copy!
3. Thanksgiving day...sort of. I had to be back to work for "Black Friday" so Glenn and I had to fly out on Thursday. The whole family moved Thanksgiving dinner to Wednesday so we could all be there together. Wasn't that sweet of them? Gregor and Amy hosted and their house was stuffed with amazing food (as usual) and lots of family, again some who I had not previously met. It was wonderful to see and spend a little time with all of the family that we don't see nearly often enough.
4. Spending time at Brendaen and Jill's house. They were kind enough to let us crash there for the majority of our trip. It was so much fun to be with them and their little girls. They have four little ones and we had a blast together! We even got to babysit for just a little bit while they went out on a date night. So much fun!
This is my new little neice Grace. She's such a happy baby. She's in a little outfit I made for her when she was born. Isn't she precious?
This is my new little neice Grace. She's such a happy baby. She's in a little outfit I made for her when she was born. Isn't she precious?
Amy Makechnie (Gregor's wife and Cope, Nelson, Brynne, and Paige's mom), Me, Jill Makechnie (Brendaen's wife and Hailey, Chloe, Ella, and Grace's mom)
6. Seeing Glenn's friends. Glenn has some great buddies and we were lucky enough to have time to get together. We went out to a nice restaurant, visited Loren and Emily's house, saw Dan's bachelor pad in downtown Boston and the enormous ship that he works on in the Coast Guard. Good times! Glenn already posted fun pictures of this get-together.
7. The air hockey tournament. Little air hockey table in the basement + Glenn, his brothers, and awesome nephew Nelson = good times.
9. The following conversation with my little neice Ella, age 3 1/2:
Ella: (looking and pointing at my tummy) Are you going to have a baby?
Me: Yes I am.
Ella: Are you going to have a boy baby or a girl baby?
Me: A boy baby.
Ella: (With a distressed look on her face) Please have a girl baby Kim. Please PLEASE!
Me: I'll try honey. I'm not sure if I know how to do that at this point.
Ella: How about two. One boy and one girl baby.
Me: That might be a little trickier.
Ella: Please have two Kim. Please PLEASE!
10. First class seats on the way home. Our seats weren't together so Glenn asked the lady at the desk if there were two seats together that we could switch to. She just said yes and handed us two first class tickets. I've never sat in first class before. Super comfy chairs with tons of room, unlimited refills on drinks in real glasses (Glenn's favorite I think), tomato basil soup, paninis and warm cookies, free headphones to watch "Mamma Mia" which we had yet to see...what's not to love?
Wow, my wife is H.O.T.!!
Glenn, I must agree! Kimmy, you are lookin' so fantastic! Cute little prego belly. I'm glad you had a good trip, what fun.
That looks like a great trip. I love that Heather said she would slit your throat. That made me laugh out loud. I want to come play cards at their house sometime just to see the fun.
Grace is oh so cute and the outfit only made her better!
You look teeny tiny. Can't wait to see you guys!
Oh my, I think that #10 would have been my #1! Can you imagine how luxurious it would be to get to fly first class all the time? What a dream! You're finally starting to get a cute little belly! I can't believe you're already at 30 weeks! How are you feeling??
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