Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Christmas is my favorite. I love absolutely everything about it. I love the music, the lights, the tree, the treats, the chilly weather (which we've actually had a little more of down here this year), finding the perfect presents for the people I love, and most importantly celebrating the birth of our Savior. I'm grateful for this season. I'm grateful it provides an occasion for all of my very favorite things. For a whole season full of magic and giving, remembering years past with my family and dear friends and creating new memories too. Inside I'm still a little girl. I still get excited on Christmas Eve. I know what's coming and I still find it hard to sleep. I sort of hope that I always feel that way. My mom made Christmas so magical while we were growing up. I'm so excited to be able to create that magic for my little boy! Merry Christmas everyone!
Kim, Glenn, and Tate
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Fun Run
Here is Zilker Park's Christmas tree. It's a huge pole with lights hanging down. So there ya go.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Impressive or just plain gross?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Good Morning Mom!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Family Photos!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Just Stay Little
Thursday, December 3, 2009
We flew home on Friday after Thanksgiving. Then we flew to New Orleans on Monday and came home again on Tuesday. One of Glenn's job offers was from Shell in New Orleans and I was pretty hesitant about living in New Orleans so they flew us out to check it out. The city was about as I imagined. It's pretty worn out still. The French Quarter was really neat and we took a trolley ride down town and saw some of the wealthier neighborhoods that had enormous homes with columns and balconies...just like I imagined the wealthy deep south looked 100 years ago. Just stunning. I mean, who would want to live in a house like this!
By this time Tate was done with all of the travelling. Here's a melt down in the airport. This is what happens when the food is gone. So sad.
Picture Tuesday
Tate is a great little boy. It seems like he's in another spurt of figuring out how to do new things. He's making new noises. He likes to say "T", "P", and "B", and "F", sounds over and over. He also says "mamamama" and "dadadada" over and over but we don't think he knows what those particular sounds mean yet. He started pulling himself up and standing by the couch a few days ago. He thinks he's a big shot. Sometimes he'll start leaning away to grab something and try to take a step and then promptly fall on his bum. He's started to get the hang of picking up food and getting it to his mouth. Anything more solid than baby food still makes him scrunch up his face but he's figuring out how to get more food down now. We sure love our little man.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thankful 11/25
Saturday, November 21, 2009
1. My honey. That we agree on the major points of raising our little boy and most of the minor ones too.
2. Time to observe my amazing sister-in-law Amy. She is raising four beautiful and beautifully behaved little kids who are kind, responsible, talented, and sweetly innocent as kids should be and so often aren't these days. She is very patient, a great cook, a dedicated distance runner, and a talented musician. I'm trying to just soak up their darling family for the few days that we get to be with them.
3. Sweet moments with Tate and his cousins. Pushing the stroller while Brynne walks beside it holding Tate's hand. Cope talking and singing to him from the back seat. Nelson squeezing his little boy cousin buddy. Paige sharing her toys and reenacting what he was doing in the other room when I missed something she thought was funny. They are so very sweet to my little guy and it warms my heart to watch.
4. Options. My amazing husband has received two more job offers during our trip. I'm grateful for options. Good ones, that will require lots of thought, research, and prayer to decide between. I'm grateful as well for my sweetheart. I know he is truly amazing. It's nice for him to hear it from other people though.
5. Cozy pajamas. I love my pajamas. Perhaps it's because they are pink and green plaid and they are oh so cute. Perhaps it's because being in them means sleep is coming soon and I really love to sleep. Perhaps it's both.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thankful 11/20
1. That Tate is an overall good baby. We went for a several hour drive yesterday to see the white mountains. It was beautiful and Tate was very content to chat with himself and look at all of the trees woosh past outside the window.
2. For Tate's dimples. He smiles with his whole face and it just brightens my day.
3. For sweet noises when Tate is eating. He lets you know when he thinks something is just delicious. "Mmmmmmm."
4. For Tate's squishy parts. He's not a very squishy baby. He's sort of solid, but he has the best squishy kissable cheeks and his little legs are perfectly squishable. I could squeeze and squish him all day.
5. For Tate's curiosity. I love to watch him learn something new and to see what things he is starting to recognize and remember. It's wonderful to have my own little person and to see everything through his eyes as he is figuring the world out.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Thankful 11/17
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thankful 11/15
1. Stake conference day. It didn't start until 10 (usually our church is at 8:30) and it's only two hours...which during naptime was still a bit rough, but it seemed more manageable anyway.
2. Things to look forward to.
3. Lists. I love my check lists. I know I get a little overboard sometimes, but I love being able to look at my list and see what I have done and what else needs to get done. I just don't trust my brain to keep track of it all.
4. Snuggling.
5. People with great cameras who know how to use them. We just got our family pictures done and she's shown us just a few so far. I love them. I will post some when I get them from her. Prepare yourselves for an astounding amount of cuteness.
Thankful 11/14
4. The opportunity to share something I love. It really feels great to see people enjoy something that I do.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Grateful 11/13
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Grateful 11/12
1. This idea to write down 5 things I'm grateful for every day from my cousin Amberly. It's been nice to go through my day thinking of five things I can write down and express gratitude for.
2. Worn out snuggles. Tatie had a hard day today. He didn't want to do anything; eat, nap, play with toys. There were brief happy spurts followed by melt downs. So there were a few melt down moments where he was so worn out that he just let me snuggle him while he whimpered. It was a long day, but those snuggles made it almost worth it. Cutting new teeth perhaps? I have no idea.
3. Cell phones. I love that I can live far away from family but be able to pick up the phone and talk to my mom like she's next door any time I need her.
4. My testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is SO comforting to have an absolute knowledge of a great big picture when things seem uncertain in the immediate future.
5. The ability to stay home with my little boy. He needs me and I love him. It's so nice that I don't have to do anything but be here for my little boy.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Grateful 11/11
1. Water purifier pitchers. The water here tastes kinda funny.
2. My dad. He works really hard and does so much for my family. I've been thinking about him a lot today because he has a business deal in the works this weekend. Good luck dad.
3. When Glenn holds Tate and my little baby's body still looks little in my honey's arms.
4. Dollar movie theaters. I love going to movies and it's so awesome to only pay a dollar, especially when my desire to see the movie is only about $2 worth, not $18 worth.
5. My honey's cleaning moods. He went out to take out the trash today and ended up sweeping out the garage and trimming all the hedges. My house looks amazing today.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Grateful 11/10, Picture Tuesday
Monday, November 9, 2009
Grateful 11/9
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Grateful 11/8
1. My ward here in Austin. Today I was really struck with all of the differences between ward life here in Austin and ward life in American Fork where I spent the last two months. Our sacrament meeting was focused on being better member missionaries. They gave out Books of Mormon afterwards for us to give out to investigators and even wrote down our names and how many we took so they could follow up on our progress. Later, someone came into our Sunday School class to ask if any of us spoke French because an investigator just showed up who only spoke French. I wished my brother or sister-in-law were there with me. It's a very different environment.
2. Healthy bodies. Mine, my honey's, my son's. There are just so many problems we are lucky enough not to have.
3. Dinner with friends.
4. Rain. We drove to church in the most beautiful foggy mist. I like mist. I think it's sort of romantic. Then it started raining on the way home and has been raining all day. I love the sound of rain.
5. Among many other benefits of having my mother, I'm grateful today that my mom raised me in a home where we were taught to love music. It has blessed my life in so many ways.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Getting to Know You
Grateful 11/7
1. Grocery stores where I know the layout.
2. The internet. I love being able to shoot an email to my mom, my sister on her mission in Rome, keep in touch with people through the blogosphere. It's so wonderful.
3. Lazy mornings at home with my little family.
4. Living close to awesome outlet malls. I love to window shop, actually shop, and I love that things are a little less expensive than at regular stores.
5. Hot showers. Sometimes there's nothing better at the beginning or end of a day than a long, hot shower.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Grateful 11/6
1. That my Tatie slept until 7 this morning. Oh that was so nice.
2. I live in a neighborhood with jogging paths. It's especially nice because everything is still so green. Jogging through parks with lush lawns and tons of big trees is kind of soothing in a way. I still don't like to jog. I still get up every morning and think, maybe I'll just take a break today, but once I get my butt out the door it's not as bad as it used to be.
3. Glenn is home tonight. Yea!
4. That sometimes Tate wakes up happy and I hear his sweet chatter in his crib in the other room. It just makes me smile.
5. Our car. I have missed our car. I love that it has some zip. When I tell it to go it really goes. And it's the prefect size for my little family.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Grateful 11/5
1. My dad who got up super early to take us to the airport.
2. Our friend Janelle who hauled her little family all the way across town to pick Tate and I (and our ENORMOUS amount of luggage) up and take us home while Glenn went on to Houston for yet another interview. Thanks Janelle.
3. My house. Oh I love my house. I love my bed, my kitchen, my piano, and especially my little Tatie's room. Tonight I am so happy to have my little boy in his very own nursery. I love his little boy room and it's been a long time since he's made use of it.
4. Antibacterial wipes. My kitchen feels so much better now. I love to wipe down the counters and stove with a few of these because then I just throw away the mess.
5. Tate's curiosity. He can be happy discovering the simplest things. Today it was Glenn's straw. Endlessly entertaining.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Grateful 11/4
2. Pacifiers. I'm going to have quite the time breaking Tate of that habit in a few months...but right now it sure calms the poor kid down when he's having a full on melt down, so I use them!
3. Glenn's hugs. He's very talented. Somehow he can give me a big bear hug and make everything feel a little better.
4. Christmas packages. We sent some to my sister Mallory in Rome today. Just getting her little Christmas surprises ready made me all happy and giddy inside. Oh Christmas!
5. "Yuh-ooo" that's how my little niece Mya says "Love you". Brought tears to my eyes tonight. That, and everything else. I'm going to miss these guys. In a lot of ways it will be nice to be in my own wonderful home on my own schedule and trying to find my own niche in Austin again. I've just been away from my home in Austin for so long with the internship in Houston and then Glenn's research out here that I sort of feel like I'm going to have to start all over when we get back. I'm going to miss my mom's advice, company, and friendship, the way my dad snuggles my son and puts him right to sleep, my little sister's tenderness with Tate and the way he loves to be around her, my sister-in-law's conversation and the way we seem to just get each other. Basically I will miss having my family at my fingertips any time I want them. I'm a baby tonight.