Tate at 42 weeks old

Tate is having one of those spurts of rapid discovery and growth. He thinks he's
really big. I keep telling him to just stay little and he won't. He started pulling himself up to stand in the past week and today he was standing by the couch ottoman and saw the remote control on the rocking chair ottoman. He thought about it for a minute, reached for it, realized he couldn't reach it, then took a couple of quick and wobbly steps(which was really more like falling onto the other ottoman) and he got his remote control. Tate also thinks he should climb up things. We have a little drawer unit in our office and Glenn looked down yesterday to see him hanging on the top with both feet on the bottom shelf climbing up it like a ladder. It's so strange being excited and yet feeling a little bit of loss every time he does something new. It's like he figures out a new fun trick and then some of the things he's been doing for a long time just stop. Every once in a while though, there is a fall, or a bump, or just a nap time that didn't last long enough and Tate needs me to just snuggle him to make it better. I love those moments even thought it is kind of sad that I love when he's upset and wants to snuggle me. Those moments he's still my little baby.
Is it just me, or is my son missing a foot? I don't remember him being an amputee.
That was funny Glenn I had to go back to look and I think you're right. Which makes him all the more impressive with walking and climbing at such a young age being footless.
I'm loving my baby Dallin right now wishing he would just stay small. I know however, that next week when I have another baby he is going to be a boy and not so much baby. Sad.
My little nephew is just not listening is he! He is getting so big so fast! I can't believe it! He just wants to be able to chase Mya around when you get here.
Awe. I know exactly how you feel. They get big really fast!
Believe it or not, I still catch a moment or two with my almost 10 year old guy...not nearly often enough, but even he (in all his "manliness) still needs his mom sometimes...and sometimes even a hug. Best part about being a mom.
Seriously, I look at Tessa all the time and think, you used to be teensy. Everyone told me it would go so fast, and they were right. I too mourn each stage left behind, but also find that it seems to just get better and better. He's moving good it sounds like!
PS-the moose sign KILLS me! 'it could save your life'. Like you wouldn't brake if a gigantic moose was crossing the road, hello!
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