Glenn and I went to Disneyland together after I graduated two summers ago and we found this super cute vintage-looking Matterhorn poster. We loved it and thought at the time that it would look very cute in a little boy's room if we had a little boy some day. So we sort of started with that poster. The walls were our first project. The walls in this room were green with little purple apples around the top. We're told the dad worked for mac.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Just missing one little thing...
The nursery is finished. It's been a work in progress for quite some time now and I think it's finally done!

Then there was some drama with the crib. We picked out a very cute crib and changing table set. We actually chose the same set that Aubry has even though we'd never seen her nursery. What can I say? We both have great taste. It took a while to get all of the paint finished and touched up and then we finally started to put the crib together. One of the side pieces of the crib was missing some hardware (the threading in some of the holes that you screw the bolts into was missing) so the manufacturers sent us some threading. We got the threading and it didn't fit into the holes. So we called again and they sent us two new entire side pieces. We got back from Christmas break and were extremely excited to see the box. We opened the box and there were two very nice looking black side pieces inside. Alas, our crib is white. So, one more time we called and they sent us white pieces. We were so excited to finally get it set up! Glenn was very proud.
"I...have made crib." it is. My sweet little boy's room. Everything is ready. We're just missing one very little, but very important thing... 

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Baby Shower
On January 6th while I was still in Utah, my awesome mom and awesome sister-in-law threw me a great baby shower. It was a crazy night. It had been snowing for 2 days straight and it was a total blizzard. I think my dad, Cody, and Glenn dug 3 of our party guests out of the snow throughout the night. It was insane.

L to R Angie Dustin, mom of one of my former piano students and just a dear heart, Melanie Morris also a sweetie, and Camarie! I finally have a picture of Camarie. This is my little brother Adam's fiance. Yep he's getting hitched on March 14th!
A few of my former Drama students. A couple of others came as well but these are the only ones I have a picture of. L to R Kristen Parker, Krista Saltmarsh, Me, Emma Boyles.

I couldn't believe how many people came in spite of the weather. A lot of my sweet family even drove down from Salt Lake. I get really worried sometimes about being a those who know you that's absolutely no surprise. It was wonderful to see so many people who love me and love my family and are supportive of this new adventure Glenn and I have started together. It made me feel so grateful for all of the family and friends that I have and a little less like I am on my own in this craziness.
So thanks Mom and Aubry for a perfect baby shower! Here are a few pictures of the evening. I don't have pictures of everyone who came so don't be offended if you came and you're not in a picture!
So thanks Mom and Aubry for a perfect baby shower! Here are a few pictures of the evening. I don't have pictures of everyone who came so don't be offended if you came and you're not in a picture!
Opening Presents with my helper Aub. Little man is going to look like such a little stud.
Some of the fam. My Grandma Hansen and Aunt Leslie in the front and my Aunt Sue and cousin Stephanie in the background.
Glenn with my dear gap friend Fairy Morehouse. I'm so glad she made it. I miss working with her. She's such a sweetheart! Glenn had a really good time too. He may not admit it but he loves showers. He loves chatting with people who may not know anyone else to make sure they're all comfortable and he loves seeing all of the fun things people brought for his little boy.
I have a lot of blogging to catch up on. It's been a very productive couple of weeks since we got back to Texas. Glenn started school again this week so we had all last week to play and get a lot of work done on the nursery when I wasn't at work. I have some fun pictures...I just have to find my camera cord. Also, the little baby ticker at the bottom of my blog says only 24 days to go! Does that sound like a very small amount of time to anyone else?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Christmas is the best. Period.
We're back! Glenn and I had a WONDERFUL Christmas time and now that we're back in good ole Texas, we have a LOT to blog about! Hold on this will be a long one! This year we had our little Christmas on Christmas Eve for the first time. I had to work Christmas Eve and so we flew out to my parents house in Utah on Christmas morning early, therefore Glenn and I opened presents on Christmas Eve. I don't know why I'm continually surprised when he pulls off very thoughtful, sweet surprises. This year he was amazing. I had been sort of down about Christmas. Feeling enormous and not knowing what to want because I don't want clothes and we don't have tons to spend was sort of putting a damper on my Christmas spirits but he surprised me with some very thoughtful things. What a sweet husband I have.
So we woke up Christmas morning and waited for our shuttle to show up. A half hour after the shuttle is supposed to pick us up we call to ask what's up. The shuttle was already at the airport. They forgot us. So we had a mad dash to the airport and barely made it on our flight. The shuttle company is going to reimburse us for our $150 of parking costs. It made for an exciting start to the trip.
The next morning we flew out to Kauai. Kauai is our Hawaiian island of choice. It has great weather, amazing waves, all the ingredients for the perfect week of family fun. We got to Kauai about 6:00 pm Hawaii time and we split up into the two cars so the babes could go back to the house to sleep and a few of us took the smaller car to get groceries while we were still near stores. We didn't really think about how little room the car had and how many people we had to feed and therefore how much groceries we would be purchasing. It was absolutely hilarious trying to get all of the people and the food into the car. We had things stuffed under our legs and then we had to have all the back seaters get in and we just piled food on top of them. It was hilarious. Dad really had to watch the corners on the way home if we wanted any of the soft food to survive the trek.
It was a very different vacation than previous years because we had 4 more children than previous vacations. Jane and Mike brought their three little guys and little Mya came along for the ride too. I have to be honest, I was a little unsure what to expect. I just expected things to be different. Kids crying all the time. Going home for naps. Basically I expected less fun. I was totally wrong. These kids are so awesome. They were great on the beach, so much fun to be around at home, and I left thinking, "Why haven't we brought them every year?" I'm glad it went so smoothly because we'll be bringing little man next year! I just hope he's a good baby because little Mya and Maggers were angel babies. They never cried unless they needed food or nap time and then after you gave it to them they were smiling and laughing again. Seriously there was probably not more than an hour of crying all week. It was crazy! I'll be voted off the island for sure if little man is like a normal baby who cries and throws fits.

The boys went deep sea fishing one morning really early. They didn't catch anything. The ride was apparently really rough. Glenn said it was all worth it just for the sunrise. Oh Hawaii. I miss you.
The beautiful Waimea canyon.
Janey cakes and Glenn enjoying some Chicken nuggets together during our fun dinner out! It was fun to see Glenn play with all the kids. He has so much fun! Janey would just stare at him while he made these ridiculous airplane noises bringing the food toward her mouth like, "What are you doing?"
Fun family photos.

Perfect weather, not too hot, not too cold. Just enough to get a little bronze. Amazing waves, an entire season of Lost, great food, great conversations and so many memories. We couldn't have asked for anything more! Thanks everyone for a wonderful vacation!
So we woke up Christmas morning and waited for our shuttle to show up. A half hour after the shuttle is supposed to pick us up we call to ask what's up. The shuttle was already at the airport. They forgot us. So we had a mad dash to the airport and barely made it on our flight. The shuttle company is going to reimburse us for our $150 of parking costs. It made for an exciting start to the trip.
Christmas morning was wonderful, as usual. It was SO nice to see all of the fam again. I missed everyone. Christmas breakfast was amazing. The traditional Grandpa Callister Sourdough pancakes and every other breakfast food you can imagine. Yumminess! We made it just in time to get the phone call from Mal. She had been in Italy for about a week and her first Christmas away from home was a little rough on her. I'm so glad we didn't miss her call! We hung out, went to Marley and Me (really good flick...more sad than I expected, but good) and just had a great time catching up. Look how big my little niecey got while I was away! This is her little pirate face. She sort of smiles on one side of her mouth. We think she's getting a tooth. I could just squeeze this little girl all day!
Fun on the beach!
Aubs found "Tap out" shorts for all of the boys. They came in handy in those crazy waves! And they do look very dashing. Thanks Aubs!
We went up to the north shore one day. The waves were absolutely terrifying. It was AWESOME! Crazy undertow + massive waves = good times. The lifeguard got on his little speakerphone at one point and told everyone that if you weren't a native islander you needed to get out of the water. That was not the right thing to say to my fam! That was the point that those of us who were thinking "I'm not so sure about this", actually got into the water. We had a blast. The waves were so powerful they'd sweep you off your feed and wash you 20-30 feet up the shore. They were probably 14 feet high. I love the huge waves that make you second guess your decision to get in the water as this enormous wall of water comes toward you. It could almost be a spiritual experience as your life flashes before your eyes because looking at the waves you can't help but think, "I could die...right now." These are two of my favorite pictures of that day.
You know the waves are just scary enough when the big boys get to them at the wrong time and turn to run because they know they're about to get smashed.
Charlie got a good workout that day. He knew just when to head for the hills. It was super fun to see the little kids discover the beach. Janey and Charlie could not get enough.

My stylin' niece and her stylin' mommy. Aren't they adorable?
The Lovely Crosland ladies. Little Maggers and Janie changed so much since I saw them last. How can they be different kids in just a few months? I sure love these guys!
Mya and Aunt Kenzie
We're just missing Mal and Adam's sweetie Camarie. Mom wanted some fun possibilities for next year's Christmas card. I don't know if we'll use our little family's for that. Hopefully next year I'll be less puffy and little boy will be here. Hopefully. Sometimes it doesn't seem like it.
Oh we're a good looking bunch.
Perfect weather, not too hot, not too cold. Just enough to get a little bronze. Amazing waves, an entire season of Lost, great food, great conversations and so many memories. We couldn't have asked for anything more! Thanks everyone for a wonderful vacation!
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