So we woke up Christmas morning and waited for our shuttle to show up. A half hour after the shuttle is supposed to pick us up we call to ask what's up. The shuttle was already at the airport. They forgot us. So we had a mad dash to the airport and barely made it on our flight. The shuttle company is going to reimburse us for our $150 of parking costs. It made for an exciting start to the trip.
Christmas morning was wonderful, as usual. It was SO nice to see all of the fam again. I missed everyone. Christmas breakfast was amazing. The traditional Grandpa Callister Sourdough pancakes and every other breakfast food you can imagine. Yumminess! We made it just in time to get the phone call from Mal. She had been in Italy for about a week and her first Christmas away from home was a little rough on her. I'm so glad we didn't miss her call! We hung out, went to Marley and Me (really good flick...more sad than I expected, but good) and just had a great time catching up. Look how big my little niecey got while I was away! This is her little pirate face. She sort of smiles on one side of her mouth. We think she's getting a tooth. I could just squeeze this little girl all day!
Fun on the beach!
Aubs found "Tap out" shorts for all of the boys. They came in handy in those crazy waves! And they do look very dashing. Thanks Aubs!
We went up to the north shore one day. The waves were absolutely terrifying. It was AWESOME! Crazy undertow + massive waves = good times. The lifeguard got on his little speakerphone at one point and told everyone that if you weren't a native islander you needed to get out of the water. That was not the right thing to say to my fam! That was the point that those of us who were thinking "I'm not so sure about this", actually got into the water. We had a blast. The waves were so powerful they'd sweep you off your feed and wash you 20-30 feet up the shore. They were probably 14 feet high. I love the huge waves that make you second guess your decision to get in the water as this enormous wall of water comes toward you. It could almost be a spiritual experience as your life flashes before your eyes because looking at the waves you can't help but think, "I could die...right now." These are two of my favorite pictures of that day.
You know the waves are just scary enough when the big boys get to them at the wrong time and turn to run because they know they're about to get smashed.
Charlie got a good workout that day. He knew just when to head for the hills. It was super fun to see the little kids discover the beach. Janey and Charlie could not get enough.

My stylin' niece and her stylin' mommy. Aren't they adorable?
The Lovely Crosland ladies. Little Maggers and Janie changed so much since I saw them last. How can they be different kids in just a few months? I sure love these guys!
Mya and Aunt Kenzie
We're just missing Mal and Adam's sweetie Camarie. Mom wanted some fun possibilities for next year's Christmas card. I don't know if we'll use our little family's for that. Hopefully next year I'll be less puffy and little boy will be here. Hopefully. Sometimes it doesn't seem like it.
Oh we're a good looking bunch.
Perfect weather, not too hot, not too cold. Just enough to get a little bronze. Amazing waves, an entire season of Lost, great food, great conversations and so many memories. We couldn't have asked for anything more! Thanks everyone for a wonderful vacation!
Looks heavenly! and you look darling. I can't believe you only have 5 weeks left! You're getting there!
Oh it was good times wasn't it! I loved being able to just hang out and chat. It was so fun to see glenn with the babies, he is going to be the best doting daddy! Mya loves you and can't wait until march when she can give you huggs and kisses!
It was so great to see you and your darling pregnant self and cute hubby. What a cute dad he'll be! I would love to see the picture of you and the girls. They sure love you! Talk soon.
You lucky ducks. Those pics are beautiful. It looks like you had a good time... I'm jealous.
Sorry I missed your baby shower while you were in town... I am a dufus and forgot (pregnancy makes you lose your brain, right?) I saw the invite on my fridge the next day...
So, so fun to see you over Christmas!!! Since you got such a kick out of the little kidlets there in Kaui, you could take my six next time!
So much fun! Someday...
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