- Tate's head is healing just fine! We're putting stuff on it so it hopefully won't scar too much.
- We went to a cake show last Saturday. A friend in our ward entered some cakes in the contest so we went to support her and for something fun and unique to do on a Saturday. It was in a huge warehouse just full of cakes. It was amazing the creativity and talent that went in to those things. And SO much time! Not something I have any desire to spend my day creating but I sure think they look cool. Here are a few of the most impressive cakes.
Who wouldn't want a piece of Gollam? Mmmm.
- Fun sewing projects. New skirts for a friend's two little girls, more car seat canopies for the website and baby showers, a cute drop cloth for under Tate's high chair. I love having projects to work on.
- A touch of winter. It snowed last Monday. Our house looked like this all day!
I love the weather here more and more. Of course I'm sure I won't be saying that this summer. I enjoyed our little touch of winter so much more because we never see snow here. And also because I know that in a few days I'll be outside again in 70 degree weather. It's so much easier to really enjoy the cold days when there are so few of them.
- A special package in the mail. While we were at his house for Thanksgiving, Glenn and his mom were talking about Christmases when he was little. He mentioned that he wanted a Teddy Ruxpin when he was little and was sad he didn't get one. This week Heather sent one in the mail. Apparently she had to really search to find a Teddy Ruxpin in working condition. Seriously, how sweet and thoughtful is she? Love it.

- Tate is doing new things every day. He's started saying "Mommy" pretty regularly this week. It's like he remembers every once in a while that he knows how to say Mommy and that that word means me so every once in a while he'll just look at me and say "Mommy" over and over really loudly. I love it. And just because I can't seem to post without a picture of little man, here's Tate asleep in his car seat on the way home from church. He won't sit still in church. He certainly won't fall asleep in church so we can listen. But as soon as we get in the car he's out like a light.
wow those cakes are crazy!! i wish i was that cool...
glad the little guys head is on the mend =o]
Cricket doll anyone? he he
Hey Kim. I love the birthday pics of tate eating cake... I was laughing out loud looking at them. I hate when they hurt themselves. Poor little guy. I hope everything is going good for you guys.
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