Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Hold You
Monday, June 21, 2010
Five years ago today (Tuesday, June 21st 2005), I got to marry the awesomest girl on the planet. She is perfect for me in every way. Today, I am grateful for many things, including,
the following:
1) Kim has put up with my for 5 years.
2) I love Kim more today than I did 5 years ago.
3) If the first 5 years are the hardest of the marriage (as many have told me), then the years to come should be better than blissful.
4) Me + Kim = Tate (A.K.A. The Child of Extreme Awesomeness).
5) Kim is my best friend.
6) We have had many adventures together, and there are several more on the horizon (I like adventures).
I'm not sure why I got so lucky. Many people are unhappy in marriage. I am not one of them. I wonder why I get to be so happy.
Kimmy, I love you! Happy anniversary!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Quick Trip
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Temple, Market Days and a Birthday
Oh and did I mention that she's a marvelous Auntie to her nephew and two little nieces? Well, she is. We love and miss you Auntie Kenzie. Happy birthday!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Scoop It
Glenn also got him a little plastic golf set. He tried to teach him to hit the little balls with the different clubs. He said, "whack it, Tate". So now golf clubs are "whackit". Tate could care less about the actual process of hitting the balls with the clubs. But it is fun to carry the sticks around the house. And this little bag is fun to drag around too.
So we've been doing a lot of "goopit" and "whackit" around our house. Once Glenn and I even set up our own miniature golf course in the house and played with Tate's clubs while Tate took a nap. Glenn even used the appropriate club for each different shot. Good times.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Getting Ready
- Re-grout kitchen sink and master shower (done by Glenn while I was in Utah)
- Fix holes in back yard fence. (Also Glenn.)
- Get carpets cleaned.
- Finish paperwork for realtor
- Meet with Stager who gave us a massive list, some of which we intended to complete.
- Rearrange furniture in dining room, family room, living room
- Get tree trimmer to trim all large trees in front yard.
- Buy rug for living room, lamps for bedside tables, pillows for couch, and a shower caddy.
- Take paintings we have been putting of framing to craft store to get custom frames made during 50% off sale. (Apparently we need to hang art where a few of our family pictures are currently hung. Who wants to see that a real family lives here anyway?)
- Cut down three large bushes in front of house, fill space with lots of soil, plant flowers and an herb garden.
- New mulch around trees in front yard.
- Clean out blankets from linen cupboards and pack away in the garage. (to make cupboards look more spacious or something)
- Clean clothes that are out of season of out of closet and pack away in the garage.
- Clean out and organize kitchen pantry.
- Have last minute yardsale to sell some of the results of our cleaning out.
- Thoroughly clean house.
All done. I'm tired.
Tomorrow a photographer is coming to take pictures of our home and then within a couple of days I guess we'll be in business. I've been dreading this process. I love our home. So many wonderful memories here. I know we have to move on. I know we'll be happy where we end up in Houston and then Pennsylvania and then wherever. But right now I'm feeling stubborn. And tired. And grumpers. I'm comfy here. Especially now that my house looks so amazing!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Quiet Books
I decided that while I was making one for Tate, I may as well make one for my niece Mya too. Her second birthday is coming up and I was planning a trip to Utah (for Mal's homecoming), so I set to work making two quiet books and trying to get them done in time for my trip to Utah (which I did, just barely).
I LOVE the way they turned out. It still makes me a little nervous when Tate plays with it because it took such an incredible amount of time (seriously it took every naptime and after most after bed times for a couple of weeks) and I'm still sort of a beginning sewer so I'm not sure how secure and sturdy everything will be. That, and there are so many little pieces that can and probably will be lost. So far so good. He has yet to break or lose anything!
So here are some pictures of the finished product! Tate's quiet book is on the left and Mya's on the right.
Caterpillar with fuzzy body part you can velcro on. (and also tear off and throw on the ground and under the bench at church and then scream "fuzzy!" over and over as they roll out of sight.)Fabrics with different textures to feel and a football to lace up and tie.
Different shapes that velcro to the matching fabric and shape on the page.
I think this page might be my favorite. I found vintage paper dolls you can print out for free online. Then I printed them out on iron on paper. I ironed the people on the page and the dresses on layers of fabric and interfacing. Then sewed around the clothes so they won't fall apart and sewed on velcro so you can dress the people up in different vintage outfits. It turned out so stinkin' cute.Pockets to hold Ikea finger puppets.
A mirror (currently Tate's favorite. He loves to chat with the cute boy inside.) And flowers that button onto lady bug buttons.
This page was Glenn's contribution. I wanted to do a page with buttons or beads or something they can move around on strings of elastic. He saw the Noah's ark buttons and decided a Noah's ark page could be fun with the animals escaping the flood. The boat has a little flap that you can open and close. Note the dinosaurs who were stuck in the water at the bottom and were left behind. Also Glenn's idea.