I decided that while I was making one for Tate, I may as well make one for my niece Mya too. Her second birthday is coming up and I was planning a trip to Utah (for Mal's homecoming), so I set to work making two quiet books and trying to get them done in time for my trip to Utah (which I did, just barely).
I LOVE the way they turned out. It still makes me a little nervous when Tate plays with it because it took such an incredible amount of time (seriously it took every naptime and after most after bed times for a couple of weeks) and I'm still sort of a beginning sewer so I'm not sure how secure and sturdy everything will be. That, and there are so many little pieces that can and probably will be lost. So far so good. He has yet to break or lose anything!
So here are some pictures of the finished product! Tate's quiet book is on the left and Mya's on the right.
Caterpillar with fuzzy body part you can velcro on. (and also tear off and throw on the ground and under the bench at church and then scream "fuzzy!" over and over as they roll out of sight.)Fabrics with different textures to feel and a football to lace up and tie.
Different shapes that velcro to the matching fabric and shape on the page.
I think this page might be my favorite. I found vintage paper dolls you can print out for free online. Then I printed them out on iron on paper. I ironed the people on the page and the dresses on layers of fabric and interfacing. Then sewed around the clothes so they won't fall apart and sewed on velcro so you can dress the people up in different vintage outfits. It turned out so stinkin' cute.Pockets to hold Ikea finger puppets.
A mirror (currently Tate's favorite. He loves to chat with the cute boy inside.) And flowers that button onto lady bug buttons.
This page was Glenn's contribution. I wanted to do a page with buttons or beads or something they can move around on strings of elastic. He saw the Noah's ark buttons and decided a Noah's ark page could be fun with the animals escaping the flood. The boat has a little flap that you can open and close. Note the dinosaurs who were stuck in the water at the bottom and were left behind. Also Glenn's idea.
Oh my gosh, those are cute. Much more professional looking than the first quiet book I made :) Okay, can I put in an order for Christmas??? Paige would love. Name your price!
I've always wanted to do it, but thought it would take tooooo long with all my sewing abilities. (Or lack there of.) Yours turned out Super cute. How much time did it take???
It is Mya's favorite, she loves loves loves all the things to do! It was great for church this past week, kept her entertained for a long time! Thank you tonz and tonz my talented sis!!
Your book is DARLING!! I love the paper dolls, too. I'm sure Tate is an angel in church with that.
Oh my dear me that is the cutest thing ever! Way to go on the paper dolls. ADORABLE. I'm really hoping you'll be making it to Utah or Idaho this summer so I can see you and the little man.
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