Glenn graduated from Graduate school last Saturday. He is not officially finished with school because his thesis is not completed yet but he is through with his classes and took part in the grand ceremony. Glenn's mom, Heather was in town from Thursday to Tuesday so we were able to spend a bit more time with her. We went down to Congress Bridge to see the bats on Thursday. Not an incredibly successful bat-watching trip but we did see a few.

And of course we took a trip to the Alamo on Friday. She's a real history buff so it was fun to take her there. Tate was happy just to find and carry around a stick.

And we made a brief stop at the beautiful riverwalk for lunch.

On Friday night Glenn's dad and brother Seth came into town. They spent Saturday with us and then left early early on Sunday morning. It was so great to have some of Glenn's family here for the big day. It meant a lot to him to have their support and to be able to share those moments with them. On Saturday Glenn took us on a grand tour of campus. He showed us around the Geology building, stopping for the occasional discussion/lesson. Here we are learning about core samples.

We took some pictures in front of the longhorn statue

and the University tower.

It was a beautiful and VERY hot day. I felt bad for Glenn in his long pants, shirt, and black robe. We were a very sweaty bunch by the end of the afternoon.
The graduation ceremony was at three and Tate was one tired boy by then. He was wiggly and noisy during the ceremony which was, I thought, incredibly quiet. I think he was the onlhy kiddo in there so it just felt like every noise he made was super loud! Poor boy just couldn't sit still. Luckily Grandpa Art was around to snug and read books to him. And Uncle Seth let him watch games on his IPhone.

Glenn walking in the procession.

Of course, the "hook-em horns" sign. Gotta have one of those.

The graduation ceremony was amazing. I felt such a feeling of accomplishment to see him walk across the floor, receive his graduate "hood", shake some hands, and pose for pictures. We've spent two years of our lives here and it really hit me at that moment how fast it has gone and how much has happened here. So many good memories.
I'm proud of my husband. I'll be even more proud when he's "officially" done after he finishes his thesis. But seeing him graduate just made me so proud of how smart he is and how hard he has worked to be able to finish a quality education and to be able to support our little family. It was nice to have a whole day to celebrate Glenn and his accomplishments. So proud. Happy G-day honey.
CoNGraTulAtiOnS GLENN!!!
We love you so much and are so proud of all the hard work that you have done to get this far. We are so glad that you found something you love and enjoy doing. We wish we could have been there, aahhh to have all the money in the world...
Kimmy you looked beautiful and our sweet little Tate, please squeeze him for me! Love you all, glad it was a good day!
Thank you so much for posting the pictures and video so we could share in Glenn's great day. We are so proud of you Glenn! It's fun to hear Tate's talking while Glenn is being introduced.
Yay for all three of you!!! Quite the accomplishment.
Great job! So glad family could be there too.
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