Tate has hit a stage of speedy development again. Just in the last few weeks he's started talking and copying us so much more. It's fun to hear him try to say what we're saying and watch him figure out what things actually mean. He repeats a lot of words we say, and then one day he'll point to something and say a word and we realize he's made the connection. "That's right Tate, that is a birdie!" It's fun...and a little scary at the same time when he hits these stages when he figures out so much, so fast. It kinda freaks me out. Slow down little man. I'm in absolutely no hurry for you to grow up.
There are a lot of words he says that he doesn't know the meaning of. But these we think he has these figured out. I wanted to record the words that he knows before there are too many.
- Mommy and Daddy of course
- Tate-0, that's how he says his name.
- Ball
- Truck (accompanied by a tongue rolling sound. That's the sound trucks make.)
- Rosie (Wohfie)

- Socks (thockth)
- Shoes (shoeth)
- Light
- Baby
- Lego
- Lizzy - a friend in the ward
- Sully (Suwee) from Monster's inc. He has a bath toy shaped like Sully.
- Nemo (Memo) another bath toy.

- Puppy
- Kitty - said when a cat food commercial comes on the TV, or when we go to the pet store.
- Go - said emphatically when he wants to get down or go somewhere you are not taking him!
- Fishy
- Duck
- Turtle (toto)
- Birdie
- Stick

- Nose
- Blanket (bedit)

- Book (budt)

- Bevo (beebo) - That's the name of the University of Texas longhorn mascot. A student Glenn works with made this for Tate when he was born. Kenzie taught him it is named Bevo

Wowsers, that's a lot of words. Too fast baby boy. Too fast
I love the language development. it seems to completely change them! And yes, it's SO fast and passes too quick!
I swear he's getting cuter all the time! so fun to hear him babble!!
I'm with my sister on this one, he just keeps getting cuter! I'm loving his little haircut. And what is cuter than a teeny tiny voice? Love, love, pure love.
Man, my grandson is adorable AND smart!
so fun! just keep enjoying every minute =o]
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