Mal was supposed to come home on Friday the 8th but because of some mechanical problems was stuck in Paris for the night (poor poor her), and arrived home late on Saturday.
We spent the extra day without her cleaning the house. Tate even pitched in.
And decorated the house and yard for her return.Mal and I also went on daily jogs together. I'd forgotten how nice it is to have someone to chat with and to keep you going. Very nice. I was awful bored with just my ipod again this morning.
Tate spent plenty of time with Nanna, Grampa, Auntie Kenzie, and of course, cousin Mya. He got so excited when she would come over. He'd run down the hall saying her name over and over. Two different mornings he woke up and the first word he said was, "Mya". They played so well together. They played with marbles,
danced to Auntie Kenzie's music, and just chased each other around and laughed at each other.
It was so much fun to watch our kiddos enjoying each other.
Of course, I enjoyed loving up my two littlest nieces. I mean, who wouldn't love spending time with these two precious faces. 

It was so fun to spend so much time with Mallory last week. She is so sweet and fun to be around, and it's just wonderful to have my sister back. Now at least I can call her whenever I want. It's great.
Thanks for another fabulous trip family. We miss you all!
I thought we saw you running. Were you out on Saturday morning running by the hospital? I told Stewart (while we were on our way to the hospital to have a baby) "I think that was Kim Makechnie!" He said "Doesn't she live in Texas or something...?" and I said "Yeah but she visits her family sometimes." So, anywho....glad that you had a good trip and that Mallorie is home safe!
We miss you so much already!!!
It was so so so much fun to have you and your sweet boys here. I loved all the time we go to spend; shopping, chatting, and watching our little ones play (that just made me so happy to see them together). My little girls couldn't ask for a more amazing auntie, we love you so much! I miss that cute little Tate, please give him a big squeeze for me.
Love you guys!
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