- Sometimes Tate parents himself. He remembers what we tell him in different situations and says them to himself.
For example: He looked at me the other morning, said, "No throwing." then threw his food on the ground.
He falls down and says to himself, "I fine. It's okay."
He does something that we asked him to do and he tells himself, "Good boy!"
Other favorites in this vein, "Be nice!", "Don't hit!", "Please stop.", and my personal favorite right now, "Talk about it." (Which comes from me telling him, "Tate, just calm down. Let's talk about it.")
- A couple weeks ago at church Tate started shouting, "LA LA LA!" I clapped my hand over his mouth and told him to be soft in church. He slapped my hand away and shouted at me, "MOM, I singing!"
- Tate loves green beans. At least he does right now. He was feasting on them the other night and asking for "more green beans" over and over from Glenn. Glenn finally said, "Are you serious?" and Tate told him, "I serious!"
- Tate has started pretending anything and everything is food. He brings it to me, tells me what it is, and asks me to try some. Cars, toys, his sippy cup, even a bolt of fabric at the store yesterday become, "chocate", "O juice", "bocci" (broccoli), "roni" (macaroni), "fruh toast" (french toast), cookies, etc. He holds them up to me and says, "Mommy. O juice! Try some! Is soooo good!"
- "Daddy Back", said when he's so glad that Daddy is home, or when we leave the room and he wants to go back to Daddy.
- "Music on!" Said emphatically from the back seat of the car. Followed occasionally by, "Oh, pretty music."
- "Night time", we play night night a lot around here. He declares it to be night time, falls down on the floor and pretends to snore for a few seconds.
- "Galishious!" He tells me how much he likes his food. He's getting more and more picky about what he eats, but when he likes it he says, "Mmmmm. So good. It's so yummy. Galishious" over and over as he eats. He can be very enthusiastic about his food and it's great for my self esteem when he likes dinners I make!
- Sometimes Tate snuggles in bed with me in the morning while he drinks his milk. The mornings when I need just a few more minutes of lying down to get myself to wake up. The other morning he finished his milk, climbed on top of me, gave me a huge hug and said, "Oh. I love you so much!"
He's my little angel boy. He has little tantrums, but not too too often. For the most part he's so content to play and is very quick to giggle and smile at silly things I do. Sometimes I think weeks like this, where I look back and just think he was such a sweetie, are to prepare me for ornery weeks to come. I hope not. I hope he just stays this way. It's much more fun.
What a cute little boy. Smart too! Also, I love that train track he got! So fun! Poor Hunter has a lot of "girl" toys to play with around here thanks to his big sister. We might have to man up the toy selection with something cool like that in the semi-near future. :)
I'm so glad you document all the cute things he says. He is such a sweet boy. I feel like he isn't quite so far away when you share what new things he is doing. I do miss kissing the kid though.
Thank you for sharing such precious stories. As much as I want to keep Owen from growing up, reading about Tate makes me excited for the new stages to come.
Oh I'm so glad you wrote this down! I smiled the whole way through. Can't wait to see little man Tate at Thanksgiving!
'I Serious' Tate, you are so stinkin' cute I can't even stand it! Thank you for sharing what your sweet little man is saying and doing. He talks so well, it blows my mind.
I love you sweet Tate-O!
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