We realized after looking back at our pictures how silly we probably looked being the only people in the petting zoo over 3 feet tall and thrilled to touch a deer. Oh well.
Then there was the food. We'd told Mal all about the crazy things these Texans fry at their fairs so we had to try a few! 
The three of us shared fried oreos, cheesecake, and cookie dough. 
The cookie dough was the winner. Yum. I'd like to say we worked out as much as we ate this week but that is simply not true. We did work out, but I don't know that any amount of working out is going to undo fried cookie dough. Worth it.
Then we went to the rodeo. It was spectacular. Such a good show. The bulls were a favorite. They were the biggest, meanest bulls I've ever seen and Mal and I screamed...a lot.
After the rodeo they moved a stage into the middle of the arena, Tim McGraw gave a concert and we again, screamed...a lot. I feel like she and I become heightened versions of ourselves when we're together. It's so fun. The concert was awesome. Tim played a great balance of new and old songs and we did not leave disappointed!
Day 2 we took a little slower. We hit the gym, watched a movie then went shopping at an enormous mall down town.
Then yesterday we went to the zoo. It was a blast to show Auntie Mallo the zoo. It's one of our favorite places and Tate loved having her there. He kept running from place to place with a big smile on his face.
We even stopped to feed the giraffes.
That was awesome! Today Tate's talking about how he fed the giraffes some salad. Loved it. And we saw their new 5 day old baby giraffe. It was very cute.
Our last hurrah with Mallo was a quick trip to Kemah. We couldn't resist the sting ray aquarium. We bought these gross little dead fish to feed to the sting rays.
We were, as I said, even more nervous and jumpy because we were together,
and that made Tate nervous too. Poor boy.
It was fun and a little scary being so close to so many sting rays. Some of those mammas were really big!
They were very friendly and excited to be fed and petted. We liked the petting much more than the feeding. We got splashed quite a bit and left pretty wet and smelling like fish. Delish.
It's so nice to share where we live and what we do with people who come to visit. I love having visitors. It's great how it seems to make me more proud of the place that I live and the life that I live when I get to share it and talk it up for a few days with a visitor.
I sure love my sister. She's one of those people who make you feel better about yourself just by being around you. She's always positive and happy and she's great fun to talk to. As my mom put it today, "you just never know what's going to come out of her mouth next!" Which is completely true. It's a blast.
Some favorite moments:
-Staying up really late and talking.
- Watching movie scenes that made us laugh over and over until we were in pain from laughing so hard.
- A half gallon of Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Ice cream. See what I mean? No amount of exercise could keep up with us.
- Women's fringed shawls.
- Watching her tickle Tate until he almost couldn't breath because he was laughing so hard.
- So much screaming during the sting ray feeding. So much.
We love you Mal. Thanks for coming to visit!!
what a fun sister trip! tate is one lucky boy to have an auntie mallo!
Hmmm, I think I need to have Aunt Malo visit my house!!! She is amazing. Sisters are THE BEST!!!
fun!! i have been to Kemah and fed those sting rays!!! too fun!
Awesome. Sounds like you had a really fun time. Did she go check out A&M while she was there? I'm glad you got to go to Kemah. Isn't that place great?
So sooo much fun! I love everything about Texas and everything about the three of you. Thanks for letting me play with you. :) Kisses!
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