- I have a new calling. Well, it's not super recent, but I'm in the Primary Presidency in our ward and it keeps me busy. Sharing time, meetings, trying to figure out cub scouts, and planning our activity this Saturday.
- I've started teaching piano lessons. I just have three students, all on Friday afternoon when Glenn's off of work so he watches little mister. I love it. Nice to have a little extra money to hoard for something special (a new Easter dress? A family vacation maybe?), and fun to be teaching again.
- Glenn found the perfect motivation to get in shape. A competition, of course. His company and his division are having a biggest loser contest. Cash rewards, prizes, and of course, the opportunity to be the "winner" which is, in my opinion, his biggest motivator. He's lost 12 pounds this month and the contest goes on for 4 months. He completely swept the competition this month (extra impressive when you consider that we had company and a vacation in that month). I'm trying to be good and supportive. I'm running out of salad ideas for dinner.
- We bought a house. Yep, that's probably the biggest reason it feels crazy around here. We looked for months and one night we were looking at the newest listings in the development we love and we found our perfect house. It's the builder we like, a floor plan we like, has all the extra spaces we've been hoping for (an office downstairs for sewing/computer/piano, a game/TV/toy room upstairs out of sight...), and it was for sale by a relocation company which means we got a fantastic deal! The seller is being relocated by his work and his company basically bought the house and just wanted it sold so they weren't pricing it very high. I seriously can't wait. I'm crazy excited and also crazy anxious. Packing, moving, changing addresses, utilities, caring for a yard and a house and eventually furnishing and decorating...it's awesome and intimidating. I can't wait. We close in a couple weeks but we're actually hoping to be able to move in this weekend! Because...
- My mom, sister, sister-in-law, and two nieces are coming to visit next Tuesday! I seriously can't wait to have them come! I hope we're in our house by then, even if it's empty and messy.
I feel swamped. I love it. It just seems like there are a lot of things that are always at the back of my mind and are never going to make their way to the top of my list. When, for example, am I going to make time to go to the dentist? No idea.
Tate's wonderful, as usual. And, because I know my mom would say, "seriously Kim, what good is a post with out a picture of Tate?" Here are some pictures of Tate. 
this is super fun news! all of it! congrats on the house... that is very fun and also stressful at the same time and I know you'll take it one step at a time and handle the transition marvelously. I can't wait to see pictures! and the dentist? well, the good thing about dentists is that they are patient. you'll get around to it sometime.
I'm am Super excited to see you to! It'll be so fun to be in your new house with you!! Just wait when we get there all the stressful things with fall away...cause i will be there! haha :D
Love the post! Life is crazy busy with church callings and kids (I'm also doing sharing time and planning activities, scouts, etc - whew!) Go Glenn! Can't wait to see final result. How is the knee? Love the title of that book - hilarious!
I adore that little Tate loves reading so much. What a darling young boy you guys have. And you get to move into your house!! I know you're prob uber stressed with so much to do but this is so so exciting! It's a gorgeous house and I can't wait for you guys to be all comfy and settled in. :) Wish i could ship myself there on a monthly basis. haha Love you!!
We are so excited to see you all. I hope Tate will let Nana read a few books with him. I need to get some loves somehow!
Congrats on finding a great house and the new calling!
Can't wait to see pictures of the house!
WOW you are a busy women. Congrats on the new home, very exciting. If it helps at all with primary the new hand book they got ride of primary activities so that might help giving you some more time. It is a big calling
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