The drums were a favorite.
As was the xylophone
and of course, the violin. 
And we just had to try the French horn.
(Don't worry mom. This was sterilized before Tate put it in his mouth.)
Despite his blank expression, he was pretty excited about touching all the instruments, although we only knew that he was excited by how reluctant he was for his turn handling them to end. Here we are checking out the double bass. Just like Berlioz the Bear from one of Tate's favorite books.
The concert was so fun. Familiar and exciting music and just the right length for little kiddo. He was feeling better after we let him down his orange juice. A little sugar. That's all he needed to be happy. Pretty soon he was wiggling to the music, pointing to instruments, saying "cool" when he recognized one, and especially excited when he could see the cymbals. It was good fun. At the end we found the tympani and he said, "I want to get the tympani! I can get it!"
So we walked up there and looked at them up close. Very exciting stuff, tympani. 
It was a fun night. It was great to get out and listen to some beautiful music. I'm glad that Tate enjoys it too.
This is so great! The violin picture is so cute.
Sounds like a perfect evening for Tate's interest in instruments. Amazing that they let him touch and play so many instruments.
He is definitely a mommies boy!!!
Very cool Kim, you are a spectacular mama
Holy cow. Tate looks like a grown boy. Where's the baby fat cheeks?
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