Then it was back to work for Glenn and I did a bunch of sewing and prep work for a big craft fair I did on Saturday. I had high expectations because we did really well at this same one last year. This time it didn't go as well but it was still okay. We made some money, just not as much as I was hoping for. It was just sort of an off day. The booths next to us didn't sell much either. But I think our things are super cute.
I spent Saturday night all by myself while the boys stayed with the Cluffs in Austin. It was so odd and so nice at the same time. The first time I've been by myself for that long since Tate was born. It was strange and so quiet. I really kicked back. I watched Reign Over Me on TV. Has anyone seen that movie? I'd seen it a long time ago. It's really good. Who knew that Adam Sandler could actually act? Wow. So many specials on 9/11. So many thoughts and memories to ponder all night and morning by myself. Turns out you have lots of time to ponder when it's completely quiet in the house all by yourself.
Sunday was an emotional day. Remembering where I was and what I felt 10 years ago. The panic, the ache for the victims and their families, the fear that nothing would ever be the same. We sang patriotic hymns at church which had me choking back tears. We live in such a blessed country. It was humbling to reflect on all the blessings that we have because we live here and all of the good that came from that awful tragedy. The things we suddenly had in common and how the pain we all shared made us stronger and better somehow ... I wish it had lasted longer. It was a good reminder to recommit myself to being a better citizen, a better neighbor, a better person.
This week has been busy too. Putting things back together after the craft fair. House needs to be cleaned. Tate needs some real play time. Dinner should be cooked again. It feels good to be back in the swing of things.
I started three new piano students last week. I'm very excited to be teaching and having students come to my house is just wonderful. All three students come on Friday afternoons when Glenn is home (when he's in town) to play with Tate and all three students are little boys. Wowsers do they have energy. They're all very different and very busy. I'm constantly trying to be interesting enough to keep their attention on me just for a few more minutes. It's an interesting glimpse into my future.
Who is this grown up little man you have in this blog post?!? Holy moley! I can't believe how much he grows and changes just in the little bit of time I don't see him. Such a handsome fellow. Sorry about his sweet lip, no fun. Hope you guys are doing good, I love you dearly!!
tate is looking so big in these pictures! I'm sorry the fair wasn't super successful, but yes, your stuff is super darling! yea for new piano students, good luck with wiggly little boys!!
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