Lately he's been playing a lot of make believe. He becomes an animal or a character from a movie and suddenly I'm another animal (the mommy animal) or another character from the same movie.
- "Mommy, I'm a dinosaur. This is my blue tail. I'm extinct!"
- "The little lion cub named Simba is sleeping on this grey couch while his mommy lion is doing her exercise movie."
- "Mom, you are Kanga and I am little Roo."
- Sometimes he doesn't clue me in on the animals we're playing, he just calls me an animal. Most of the time it's just fine but every once in a while he calls me something unflattering. I was talking to him about how he needed to tell me when it's time to go potty and he just looked at me and replied with a , "Yeth mommy walruth."
- Sometimes he likes to distinguish the kind of animals we are by the color of shirts we're wearing. I was wearing a pink shirt and Tate was wearing a black shirt with an orange car at the time, "The pink elephant wants to take the.....(looks down at his shirt) orange car elephant down the stairs to get him some orange juice!"
- When he's in a Fox and the Hound mode, I'm Copper and he's Todd. "We'll always be friends forever, right Copper?"
- When we play Winnie the Pooh I'm Christopher Robin and Glenn is Eeyore. "Christopher Robin, can you juggle?" No Winnie the Pooh. I'm sorry, I don't know how. "Eeyore can juggle. I think he'll be home soon."
- In the movie Bolt, the dog thinks he has super powers that have been taken from him by being in contact with Styrofoam. Tate was trying to lift something really heavy one day and muttered under his breath, "Ooo, must be made of styrofoam."
- One day on our morning walk we stopped to feed the ducks our left over pancakes and one snuck up and bit a piece right out of his hand. He jumped, whimpered a little, then shook it off and said, "Wo, that thurprithed me!"
- "I know just what to do! Watch Toy Story!"
- He has this darling idea that hugging makes everything better. So once when I was throwing up he heard me and told Glenn, "I want to make her happy." Glenn tried to hold him back for a minute but Tate just ran in and hugged me over the toilet and said, "Mom, I'm hugging you to make you happy again."
- When he was sick and about to throw up he'd just start sobbing and saying, "Mommy, make me happy. Make me happy!" Broke my heart.
- Crying in his room while not taking his nap, "My face is all wet! Wipe this water off my face!"
- Sometimes he narrates what he's doing as he's doing it. "The big boy hugged his mom." "The baby tiger is playing with his train."
- When talking about new baby brother and how sometimes he will cry, "I will make him happy. I will sit with him and we will watch my Christmas tree train. And I will show him how to watch a show. We will snuggle on the couch and watch Toy Story.
- And my latest favorite on a particularly emotional morning in his high chair, "I have tears that are wobbling on the corner of my eyes and splashing onto the tray. Make me happy again."