Glenn decided last minute that we should dress up for the trunk-or-treat too. His idea was that we should dress up as each other. So there we went, to our ward function, Glenn dressed in my maternity clothes stuffed with a pillow,
and he suited me up in his lacrosse gear.
The stake president is in our ward. I'm pretty sure he didn't approve...oh well. We thought we were funny.
Tate got lots of lollipops. He would have been just as thrilled with just one. Kiddo loves lollipops.
On Monday morning I wrestled Tate into his costume again (for some reason he was very anti-costume that morning) and we went to visit Glenn at work. We brought him some Halloween treats, Daddy got to show off his cute little boy at work, and Tate got to watch Daddy fly his toy helicopters in his office. Tate knows that Glenn's toy helicopters live in Glenn's office and always asks to see them when we visit.
Finally, last night we got kiddo in his costume one last time and took a few pictures out front.
Here he is showing off his flying skills.
Then he and Glenn went around the neighborhood while I manned the door. It was so cute watching little Tate walk down the street in his costume holding his pumpkin bucket and his daddy's hand. This year he "got" Halloween and was thrilled every time he said the magic words and people put candy in his bucket. He thought it was so cool. It was a very fun weekend. I've never been a huge Halloween fan. But this year, with Tate having so much fun, I quite enjoyed it. Happy Halloween!
Oh goodness me. He looks darling as Peter Pan. And you look lovely Kim! I'm glad you posted some pictures of yourself. This pleases me. :) Happy Halloween!
Wow he is one adorable Peter Pan! What a cutie! Love you guys
Isn't is great re-living the childhood magic through your child's eyes? Tate makes a good Peter Pan!
How absolutely adorable is your little peter pan!?! I wish we were closer and we could have had the whole lot of Peter Pan characters running a muck in the streets. Heaven! You look beautiful, absolutely beautiful! Love you all so very much! Squeeze Tate for me.
So darling and so TALL! Is there a new bike coming for Christmas? He sure looks like he is ready. You look beautiful Kim
Cute. Halloween is definitely a holiday that got way better with kiddos!
Peter Pan! Of course this is so perfect for Tato. I'll never forget him saying, "She is a very bad mother." Happy Halloween!
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