We've had a lot of fun the last couple of weeks. First, Glenn's work threw him a surprise baby shower. It was amazing. A sweet lady he works with called me a couple of weeks before and asked about dates and times and then planned a fake meeting to get Glenn there without suspecting. Tate and I were there, they'd made a cake and set up a bunch of tables and some decorations. Glenn walked in and was completely surprised. (That's Martha in the purple, she set the whole thing up.)

It was awesome. Tate was excited all day about going to a party at Daddy's work and he was not disappointed either! I thought it was pretty amazing that his work would throw him a shower to celebrate our second baby boy. It was SO thoughtful and Glenn just ate it up. They gave us this huge wrapped tower of diapers and wipes and even got a new dump truck for Tate.

It was really fun and so sweet!

Thanks Newfield!
Once we finally got out tree up we pulled out our new Christmas tree train. Tate's been fascinated with the concept since he first heard that they existed and wants to look for Christmas tree trains any time we're in a store. We got it all set up during his nap and when he woke up, there it was, around the tree.

He loves it and it's super fun to watch him just stare at it and then push all the buttons on the remote to make it go and whistle and such.

Last week our little community had their winter festival and Glenn and I, keen not to miss out on a good/free time, checked it out. Our community is awesome. They have fun festivals and family events all the time and this one didn't disappoint. They had a petting zoo. This time Tate was more intent on bothering the animals by pulling their tails (poor little piggy)

and checking out what kind of food they were eating

to pay much attention to the animals. They also had a horse drawn carriage, a trackless train

AND camel rides. We couldn't miss out on that! Glenn wouldn't let me ride with Tate...but the boys had a good time.

I wasn't sure how Tate would feel about climbing on a huge hairy beast but he ate it up.

He calls them "canamals" and he still talks about how he got to ride on a canamal.
Lastly, we've been to 2 Christmas parties in the last 2 weeks. Glenn's company Christmas party which he's dubbed "grown up prom". It's a nice dinner and entertainment/dancing after. It was a fun date night. Then last Saturday we went to his company's family Christmas party. They do such a good job planning these parties. This year was a Hawaiian theme. We had a yummy breakfast and then went upstairs for a bunch of activities. Cookie decorating,

balloon animals, a hula contest, (this is what happens when mom and dad can't tell Tate "no" and he wants to see us hula)

and of course, a chat with the big guy. Tate was a little hesitant at first but warmed up quickly

and was soon chatting Santa's ear off about the train and bicycle he would like to have.
On top of that Glenn's been really busy with some new things at work which we will post about soon, I've been busy with planning a couple of young women's activities, and we've all been doing some shopping, shipping presents, and general readying the house and ourselves for little babe's arrival. 9 days and counting, by the way!
Sooo many thoughts! LOVE that Glenns work threw him a shower. So sweet. Tate with the train and later slowly going to sit on Santas lap is adorable.blogspot.com. And you, my dear sister, look SO cute! I'm glad you posted some pics of your cute baby bump. :) Love you Kimmy. Can't wait for the arrival of cute baby boy Makechnie #2. :)
Ok, not that you have time to do this in the next 9 days before the little one comes, but our very favorite Christmas book is "Humpfrey's First Christmas." Its about a camel who carries a gift for the wisemen to the baby Jesus. Tate would LOVE it...just sayin'.
I love the series of photo's of him "warming up"! So funny, one step at a time! And NINE days!!?? Wahoo!!
So excited for you! The train around the tree is really great. It makes me want to have some more little boys. Love Glenn on the camel and Kim hula-hooping - you look so good! And Glenn's company is awesome. Wow.
Hi Kim! Congrats on the new little one coming! So exciting. Hey, I am trying to get all of our christmas cards mailed and I don't have your new address. I didn't know how else to contact you except via blog. Could you send me your address? candebahr@comcast.net
Thanks! Hope all is well for you!
That is so sweet that they threw a party for Glenn (and you, really, too!). Fun Christmas parties, too!
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