Nanna is gone one day and look what happens around here.
Then he was playing hide and seek with Daddy and ran into the dark closet and smacked into the laundry basket with his eye. See Nanna, you shouldn't have left.
Little Finn, on the other hand, has survived 3 weeks with us relatively unscathed. Three weeks. That blows my mind. Thus far he's a very good little baby. He goes 3 hours between feedings, even at night...which will hopefully stretch out a bit soon. He has much more awake and alert time than I remember Tate having at this age. He spends a lot of time with his little eyes wide open and looking around. He knows our voices and especially loves Glenn's and Tate's. His little eyes open big and he looks around and tries to find them whenever he hears them. It's sweet.
Here's the little man, three weeks old.
I guess you better send Tato to Nana so I can keep him safe. We don't have any sharp edges around here. Finny looks darling. I hope he starts sleeping longer for you.
Oh my sakes!! Poor Tate-O! Lot's of Auntie hugs and kisses to that bruised little bean of his.
Sweet Finn is so darling! I can't believe it's been 3 weeks already! Loves to you sweet mama Kimmy, You look beautiful as ever. Glad Nanna could come take care of you guys, she is amazing isn't she?
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