There is so much to update and Glenn got after me this afternoon for neglecting Tuesday pictures again so he's in on the couch and I'm catching up our blog and updating with lots of news. There is a lot of news of late and I suppose that seeing as we're using this blog as sort of our family journal at the moment, it should be updated. This will be a long post. You've been warned.
Here are my Makechnie men on Easter Sunday. Glenn had already changed but I wanted a picture of Tate at least in his Easter outfit. Courtesy of Auntie Aubry. Tate was having a rough day that day and the pictures without the binky were all screaming so this is what we got.

The following day Tate and I flew out to Orlando to meet my family and Aunt Jane's family for some fun in Disneyworld. Glenn couldn't miss any more school so Tate and I went on our own. Everyone was so awesome to help us. Tate was really great. He had just a few melt down moments and every time he did there were about 10 hands ready to help and waiting for a pass off. It was a wonderful trip.
The first day we went to Hollywood Studios. We had a great time in spite of a really rainy day. We think it helped make the crowds a little smaller which is always welcome in Disneyworld.
Little Miss Mya is always very aware of her surroudings. She loves to take everything in. With all of the noise, people, and strange new sights she had a lot to see. I loved this expression and had to get a picture.

My favorite part of that day was either the tower of terror ride, seriously so much fun, or the amazing car stunt show. The cars were so cool. They were really light weight, super fast and just slid over the pavement. Awesome. I think mom needs one.
Here are the Crosland kiddos on a studio lot tour.

The next day we spent the morning at the Animal Kingdom and then went to a fun water park during the afternoon. Great day for it. It was really really warm. Here's us in front of the tree in the center of the park.
Here we are with our bug glasses on before "It's tough to be a bug."
Seriously, how cute are these guys?

Tate spent most of the day like this:
And most of the afternoon at the water park like this:

I think he had a pretty good day too! That night we went to Joe's Crab Shack and had some sea food. Well, most of us had sea food, complete with bibs of course. Mom and Dad

Cody, Aubry, and Mya

Little Mya had some root beer float and loved it of course.

The next two days were spent at the Magic Kingdom. More crowded but so worth it. It's so fun to go to these places and remember what it was like to see them for the first time when I was little. I love all things disney, especially the parks. It makes me feel like a kid again. It was really fun to watch the little Crosland kids experience things for the first time and to be there with my own little boy even though he certainly won't remember a thing. I just love that place. I learned a lot of new things this time. Aub did research prior to our trip and discovered some cool Disney secrets. For instance, did you know that there are hidden Mickey's all over the Disney parks? They could be outlines of Mickey's head and ears or bigger images or outlines of his whole body. The imagineers hid some of them in different rides and there's no official statement from Disney on how many there are. We found a few. It was awesome to sort of have a little inside secret we were looking for. Also, there's a paintbrush hidden on Tom Sawyer Island every day. It's supposed to be one lost by Huck Finn or something and if you find it and return it to one of the cast members you get a prize. While we were in line at the ferry to get to the island we saw some people give the paint brush to a cast member and she gave her a fast pass for every ride for the whole day. Awesome eh?
Here's our little Mags

And Little Princess Mya

They had a fun time figuring each other out. Or at least grabbing at each other's binkys.

Tate and I next to my favorite ride, Splash Mountain.

I wanted a picture of Tate looking like he was pulling the sword out of the stone...he's pretty little and limp still. This is the best we could do. I'm a dork. Poor kid.

We stayed in a great house just 10 miles or so away from the Disney property. It was great to be able to stay in the same place and have a gathering room where we could all chill together at the end of the day. We drove to the parks in this 15 passenger van. We had to take the back seat out so we could fit all of our strollers in so we were a little compact.

Aub, Kenz, and I in front of Splash Mountain

It was a seriously great trip. I had such a good time. Thanks all for being so willing to help with my little babe and for having such a good time even though we were often tired and hot and blistered and had tired kids as well. Good memories.
Tuesday Pictures
Tate at 8 weeks old.
Tate at 9 weeks with his Daddy at school.
Tate had his 2 month appointment this past Monday. He now weighs 12 lbs. 9.5 oz. He's 23 1/2 inches long. That puts him solidly in the 75th percentile in both. He had 4 shots and was not a happy boy. He fell asleep pretty soon thereafter but when he woke up later that night he was so sad. It was awful watching him feel so icky. He'd never felt sick before and didn't understand it so he just moaned and twitched and cried. It was a solid hour and a half of him just being miserable before the Tylenol finally kicked in and he could go to sleep. That was probably the hardest experience yet as a parent...which I guess lets you all know how easy he has been. I had such a hard time watching my little boy in pain. As silly as it may sound in comparison it made Glenn and I think of how much our Heavenly Father must love us to allow his son to go through such pain for us. It's a sad thing to watch and it's hard to feel helpless to make him feel better. Here's Tate in Monday night:

And the next day feeling much better.

Thanks everyone for your prayers on our behalf today. Glenn is doing well. He's in good spirits and feeling sore and tired but otherwise he's doing okay. All we know from today is that the operation went "perfectly" and that it's definitely cancer. We don't know how advanced, what type, how much treatment is necessary, or anything else really until our follow up appointment with the doctor which has been moved from Friday to Monday so he can make sure he will have the results from the Cat scan and the biopsy when he meets with us. So many feelings and thoughts that I want to record about this week but this post has taken a lot of time and I needed to have a break from it all anyway so I'll probably get some of that recording done tomorrow. Thanks again and know that we truly appreciate your thoughts and prayers. We've been surprisingly comforted today and we know we've had help. We love you. Glenn asked me to take a picture of him in his recovery position of the day. Curled up on the couch with his patriots blanket.

the trip sounds like a blast and glenn is smiling... that's a good sign! and little tatey-bug is cute as can be, especially in his little hat, I love it!
Oh Glenners, at least you have the right blanket to comfort you in your times of trouble. :)
I loved this Disney blog post. My mom and I used to go every year together, and that's where Jim and I honeymooned, so this post brought back some GREAT memories!! I'm glad you got to go with your family. It looks like you had a blast!
Jim and I are keeping your family in our prayers.
oops. . . the above comment was from Leslie, not Jim. I was signed in under his account.
Oh, I love you all! What good times, I definetely need you to send me a CD of your pictures and I'll send you one of mine. It was such a good time, I'm so glad we got to share with you. Once again I will say that my nephew is ADORABLE!!! Sorry about your shots Taters, that is no bueno.
Glenn, we are so glad that things went well and hope you know how much you all are loved and were constantly in our thoughts and prayers yesterday. Lots of loves for you all!
Fun memories. Glen you are awesome! Keep up that positive attitude. You too Kim & Tait. We love you guys and will continue to pray for you all!
Such a cute baby! I laughed out loud at the sword pulling! And so sad over the shots :( Glenn, you're even smiling when recovering. Everyone at Proctor is asking about you...such a celebrity. Love you lots!
I am so glad that everything went well but MONDAY!! Come on, that's way too long.
You all have certainly been in our prayers. I've been trying hard not to call or bother you so I am very happy for this post. We love you guys so much.
(oh and I stole some of your pictures for my blog :) )
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