Picture Tuesday, Tate is 10 weeks old today and has discovered a few new, exciting things lately. First is his fists. He started figuring out that they existed while we were in Disneyworld and now he thinks they are just the coolest things in the world! Sometimes he forgets he has them but when he finds them they make him so happy. Every once in a while he will be crying in his car seat and then we'll hear this loud sucking sound. He's found his fists. He'll be fine now.
Tate has also decided that instead of pooping a few times a day he'll save up and poop just once every day or two. They're large, full diapers. When it's been a whole day and he hasn't pooped yet, look out! There will be an outfit change guaranteed!
I also just thought this picture was cute. I get a little sad when I see little Tatie like this when I go to get him out of the car. It simply can't be comfortable. How does he breathe like this?

Well, lots to do in the next couple of weeks. Since good ole' Doctor Chopp doesn't think Glenn has recovered enough to do his field research in Utah starting next week, Glenn will be starting his internship in Houston with Devon Energy earlier than we had planned. So we'll be busy getting things ready to move down there on the 8th or 9th of May. We just need to find a place for him to get his radiation treatment down there and we're set.
Not much new other than that. Things are going well. Glenn is recovering well. He's sore but it gets better every day. I have a few new fun sewing projects I'm working on. I'll post pictures if they turn out cute!
Thank you for the post!!! Oh, my sweet Tatey, mmmuah! Kisses from Auntie Aubs! Congrats on finding your fists, they are quite fantastic toys aren't they. :)
I'm bummed you don't get to come out here; but I'm much happier that everything is going well for Glenn. I have some fun crafty ideas too... We so need to do a craft fair out there. I really want to.
Thanks for the pictures. I'll try to last another week. I am not happy about your not being here in May. Maybe I'll come get Taters and you'll just have to overnight the milk. He really needs his grandma.
Can he really be getting cuter? So handsome!!! Glad things are going good for you. Every time I think of you guys and your little, no HUGE roller coaster ride a smile. I love miracles...especially the obvious ones!
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