This picture is for Nanna. She sent Tate some cute outfits. I wasn't big into overalls before little man came along. But how cute are these? I think Tate loves them as much as I do.
Here he is with his daddy at Dr. Fisher's (one of Glenn's professors) ranch North of Austin. We went there for an end-of-the-semester barbecue last weekend. I met some of Glenn's classmates. I must say, my husband is by far the coolest of the geology students that I've met so far. Of course, that's just my opinion.
Here are Tate and I at the radiologist's office yesterday. Glenn thought Tate needed to try on his hat.
Glenn has been really busy the past week and will be really busy this week finishing up his final projects, papers, and presentations. His very last deadline is this Thursday at midnight so after that he'll be done with his first year of graduate school. That went really fast. Only one more year. Then this weekend we'll be moving (as little as possible) and heading to Houston for the summer.

I also made a couple of applique shirts.
This idea came from Aunt Kimber who had a cute applique shirt for little Janie. I thought I'd try some. They'd be cuter with some different floral fabric...but alas, I live in Austin, and it's really hard to find the kind of fabric I want. However, if anyone is looking for sports team or tie dye fabric I can find an abundance here for you. It was fun to have new projects to try this week.
I've been working on a few little crafty projects this past week. A friend of mine sent me a link to a free bag pattern and I was so excited that it looked simple, had step by step instructions complete with illustrations, and it only required a small amount of fabric. So I bought fabric and made three of them. I'm probably going to keep one and try to sell the others at craft fairs or something. I love the pleats in the front and the fun contrasting color and pocket inside. I even put in magnetic snaps for the first time. Here's the link if anyone's interested:
Loved the pictures! And your craft projects turned out darling! Cyndi has already talked to Jennifer about you moving. They are anxious to meet you guys. Hope the move goes smooth for you this weekend. I love you! Mom
LOVE the pics - what a darling little man. LOVE the purses. I have a big thing for bags and will check out the link. You definitely have a great eye for design. And so good with sewing. Alas, my impatience for detail has never been a strong point :) Thanks for the update.
Look at you! Those bags are so cute. I can't believe you had time to make THREE!
Tate is getting big - love that picture with the Y hat on. So cute!
so cute!! Tate is adorable. You are so crafty! I'm not sure that I could ever do that.
Michael doesn't allow Jack to wear overalls. I think they're darling. Tate is growing so fast. He is getting cuter by the week.
Those bags are so cute. I wish I could sew... Maybe someday... one thing at a time.
I'm glad to hear that Glen is doing better. You guys are in our thoughts and prayers. I hope things continue to go so well with his treatments.
You had so much to say that I don't know what to comment about first. Gee.
Tate's weekly pic is so cute. I love the little dimples that I didn't know he had. And yes, the overalls are adorable.
I just might have to buy a bag.
The shirt turned out totally cute.
I'm not surprised that Glenn is the coolest one in his major. I'm glad that he is feeling so well and this last year went by super fast!
I love the bag! So cute, I'll have to try it (maybe in a year or two when I have some time :)
And Molly is loving the shirt you made for her. She feels very "pretty" in something with bows on the sleeves.
Miss you guys!
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