Well, we made it! Glenn, Tate, and I flew in on Friday morning. There were a few complications at the airport but we made it. Then Glenn left to get some work done in his field area on Sunday. He's down there by himself this week getting things ready and his professor and another field assistant are flying in next week to work with him. He's going to be one busy boy. We're so excited to see him this weekend.
Tate and I are keeping busy up here too. The drama teacher who is teaching at AFJH where I used to teach decided she couldn't coach the Shakespeare Competition team this year and she found out through the grapevine that I was going to be here at the right time so she called and asked me to coach them. We had auditions on Monday, callbacks yesterday, and will have our first rehearsal/cast meeting tomorrow. It's going to be a fast and furious process because we only have a month to get ready. Each school can bring 3 monologues, 2 duo or trio scenes, and one big ensemble scene to compete. It's a lot of work but I'm actually really excited to be involved in coaching and directing for a little bit. I sure enjoy it. We'll see how it goes next week when we start rehearsing. The new teacher and I have very different expectations and styles so it may be interesting to see how the students react. Mom and Aunt Sue have been SO great to help watch Tate while I run to the junior high every day. It's great to have help so I feel like I can do this.
Little man has been sort of a grump lately. There's a lot of new to get used to. Lots more people and noise than he's used to, and yet another new place to get used to sleeping are all probably throwing him off. Overall, he's doing pretty well though. He's just a good little boy. It's so great to be around family. I love watching them with Tate. Kenzie can make him laugh no matter how grumpy or tired he is and Grampa can get him to sleep on his chest no matter how over-tired and beside himself he is.

Tate has started making goofy faces with his tongue sticking out. Just the last couple of days it's like every time he smiles or concentrates on something really hard, he sticks his tongue out and curls it over his top lip. He looks like a big goofy lizard.
So here's picture Tuesday for this week. Tate at 28 weeks old.