I borrowed this great wig from the high school to use for one of my Shakespeare scenes. I decided to try it on Tate. He wasn't quite sure what to do about it. It was funny to watch. He didn't cry, try to touch it, or move much. He just held really still like if he ignored it it might go away. I got my hair cut yesterday. It's exactly what I wanted her do to but it's taking some getting used to this time. I don't really notice that it's different until I run my fingers through it, walk past a mirror, or try to put it up to go running, which was very unsuccessful). I feel like I don't look like me. I know I'll get used to it. It's not much shorter than last time really, it just feels funny. I guess I just need Glenn to tell me I look pretty. Too bad he's in Texas. Glenn came home last Thursday and then flew to Austin on Friday morning. It's recruiting season at UT and he has a bunch of interviews this week and next week with different companies. Hopefully he'll get a few offers so we have some options for employment next year. We're hoping for a company that at least has an office in Denver because that's where we'd ideally like to end up some day. We'll see. It's wierd being apart for this long and having our only contact be nightly phone conversations. Not my favorite. I miss my honey. I am really enjoying being with my family and sharing my Tatie with them though. It's nice. I miss them in Texas.
Another exciting bit of news is that Aub and I are getting ready for a boutique in Springville this weekend. Hopefully we'll sell a few things. We just really enjoy sewing so it's a fun hobby to keep us busy whether or not we sell a lot of product. We're very excited!
www.thecheckeredumbrellaboutique.blogspot.comWell, here's picture Tuesday for this week. He looks goofy with his tongue stuck out. I guess he likes the way those new teeth feel on his tongue or something because it's always sticking out nowadays. My little sweetie.
Tate at 31 weeks old
I miss my dude and my wife. You look great as always!
Now see, this is a blog title that I will never be able to replicate...sniffle sniffle.
Soooo cute... all of you!
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