Glenn came home for the long weekend. It was so great to see him. We even got to go out on a real date. Thanks Mom and Kenz for watching Tate! It was wonderful. Now he's back in his field area and his professor and a field assistant are coming today to help him for a while.
Turns out there was a reason for Tate's grumpiness. He's had two teeth cut through this week! His bottom right one came in on Thursday and then his bottom left one came in yesterday. His naps and sleeping at night have been messed up and he's just been fussier than usual. He's also been really clingy. I love it and don't love it at the same time. I love that he knows I'm his mom and that when I hold him I can somehow make it better. I don't love that he fusses when I put him down, leave the room, or hand him to someone else. Especially here where there are SO many people who love him and don't get to see him all the time. It's been much better since his teeth have come through so hopefully that was just an ornery teething phase. We'll see.
We've been to a few of Auntie Kenzie's soccer games this week too. She's won all three. I think we're good luck. Tate does well unless it's nap time. Then he gets grumpy and needs his Grampa to hold him like this, to protect his ears from Nanna's yelling so he can go to sleep. Silly boy.
Tate at 29 weeks old.
What a cute little boy. He does love his Mommy! It has been fun to have you all here. So sad Glenn will have to suffer down in the heat while we have our pool parties.
He might be grumpy but he sure is cute! Love to hear your updates - esp. the Shakespeare run-in. I can hear you being so nice but sticking to your guns. What a great combination!
Wahoo for 2 new teeth! Taters you did great work! So, now that they are in and you are feeling better you better show your mamma some love and let her sleep all night long. Okay? Okay!
Love you guys!
i know what it is like to miss Glen. I feel your pain.
Tate is getting so big!!!! Wow! It IS crazy how fast the time goes. As for Shakespeare, I told Stewart that you were asked to do the competition team and he said that that was kind of weird. I'm sure it will all be great!
Oh poor little guy. Sometimes it seems that there is nothing to make it better. Has Grandpa been giving him otter pops?
I am also glad that you are there with your family. I would have gone nuts without them when Mike went out of town.
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