Wednesday, October 28, 2009
First Snowfall
Tate Loves Faces
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tate loves crackly things lately. He can keep himself entertained for quite a while with his wipes bag or a wrapper of some sort.
This past weekend was UEA (Utah Education Association has a conference and school is out, for those of you not from Utah). We went down the the condo in St. George again and had a great time! We went to the St. George temple and did baptisms with Kenz, we saw Annie at Tuacahn which was great. Kenzie had never seen Annie before, poor deprived child. We went on a hike one afternoon up Snow canyon. It was beautiful! We hiked through sand about half of the time and that was difficult, but it was a gorgeous area. Tate throughly enjoyed himself. He just chattered and sang until he finally passed out. We abused Tate a bit this weekend. It appears that he has a very sensitive gag reflex. He's used to his thin baby food but anything with a little more texture makes him gag and he pulls the greatest facial expressions of complete disgust. It's just plain fun.
It's also fun to figure out what Tate will find hilarious each day. Kenzie was making funny noises when we went swimming on Monday and it was sweet to see Tate absolutely crack up. He sure loves his Auntie Kenzie. It's a little unfair. When he's had a hard afternoon and we can't think of anything to cheer him up, Kenzie can walk in the room and he's all smiles.
By far the best news of the week is that we now have a plan! Glenn is in Houston for a couple of days for two second interviews with oil companies and then he comes out here on Thursday. Then he heads down South again to finish up his research! We have a plan. I love having a plan. Everything feels so much better when I have a plan. That's been one of the hardest parts of these last two months. So much of our plans have been up in the air because we had to wait to hear back from companies he's interviewing with to know when he would be where. I'm just so excited to have a plan now. The very hardest part, though, has been being without my honey. I'm glad I haven't had to be alone while we've been apart but I sure miss him.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
8 Months
Tatie is 8 months old this week. He's getting better at scooting around. He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth and then collapses onto his tummy and does his little army crawl scoot. Silly kid. This last weekend he really started cheesing it for the camera. Usually he catches sight of it and freezes, mesmerized by the red light on the little black thing. I love his silly cheeser face.
He's really put on some poundage since he's decided to start eating food. He can seriously put it away. It's wierd to see him start to grow out of his clothes again. He's been in 3-6 months size for such a long time it helped me keep the illusion alive that he would stay little forever. But alas, his clothes are getting a little snug and he is, in fact, still growing. It's been really fun to share him with my family for a while. I am just so proud of my little man and it's a blast to see my family enjoy him too. It will be hard to go back to Texas and be all alone again and feel like my family doesn't get to share him. It will be nice to be with Glenn again though. I miss my own little family.
We put him on the grass this weekend and he loved it. He kept grabbing big awkward handfuls and trying to get it all in his mouth. Can't play on the grass like this in Texas so enjoy it while you can buddy.
Shakespeare Competition
Glenn was a good sport and he and Tate spent a lot of time alone as I was rehearsing and watching students' performances. It was so great to have them there to support me and to be with when I didn't have to be somewhere else. They spent most of one afternoon like this:
- I enjoy theatre. I love seeing it, talking about it, and directing it. I have missed it a lot this year and I would like to find some way to be more involved.
- I don't need to teach drama full time. I'm glad I did it once, I really enjoyed coaching the students for Shakespeare but it's just not as important as it used to be and I don't have the drive to spend 80 hours a week teaching drama, which is what I would have to spend in order to feel good about it and know I was doing my best. I have a little boy. I'm his mom. That job is more motivating and important to me right now.
That's it. It was a fun weekend and I'm glad I agreed to coach the students. I'm proud of what we accomplished and it was fun to be around other teachers and friends I used to associate with all the time.