Tate at 36 weeks old.
It's winter here in Utah. It wasn't really winter two days ago, but then yesterday it was suddenly very cold and snowed most of the day. I can't make up my mind about winter. I guess it's the classic "You always want what you can't have." Last winter I seriously missed the snow. It doesn't feel like the holidays when it's 80 degrees outside. I love the atmostphere and feel of wintertime. The sparkly snow on the ground, hot chocolate, sledding, coats and scarves and gloves, my breath coming out in puffs, the misty, foggy air, and of course the fact that it means Christmas time is around the corner or just happened. There's nothing better than Christmas. But I do not love being cold. Hmmm. It's a puzzlement. I suppose that I would prefer a real winter to no winter at all. But maybe I would rather it hold off until the holidays, meaning Thanksgiving time. Yes, I think that would be my ideal. Does anyone know a place where winter hits right around Thanksgiving and lasts just until around the end of February or maybe March? Because I am of the opinion that the end of March should signal Springtime and am entirely opposed to even the occasional snowfall in May or June. That's just not right. Oh, and if it's going to be cold, which I think winter should, then it should snow. Maybe not every day, but every third day or so. I just don't enjoy cold weather with no pretty snow. It seems like a waste. Yes, that sounds about right. Wow, there are so many rules to my ideal winter...Hmmm. Well, I guess if I'm going to plan it out in my fantasy world in my head then it can be exactly as I like!
Little Tate seemed entirely indifferent to his first ever snowfall. Of course we just got out of the car and he was throwing a mighty fit. He's been a bit of an ornery face the last couple of days. Oh well,at least we got the picture.
Maybe he'll stay indifferent long enough that he'll get over the desire to eat the snow (which is what Zoe constantly wants to do)! I didn't know you guys were still here! Fun for you!
dude i totally agree that if it is going to be freezing cold it might as well be snowing =o] but after living in new england last winter i am excited for good ol' california this time around.
Camelot. We need to live in Camelot with a little Lancelot on the side.
I object.
Virginia!!! It's a nice 55 to 60 degrees. Just cool enough for a light jacket. I'll let you know when our first snowfall hits.
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