My little boy has always had a thing for faces. He loves to grab them and pull on them and pet them. When someone is holding him he always has one hand on their face. Maybe he's just reassuring himself that they are still there while he checks out his surroundings. I don't really know. When he is upset or tired the grabbing and petting of the face gets more frantic. It can, on occasion, be a bit dangerous, especially if we've neglected his fingernails for a week or so. He's been known to cut tiny scratches and pull on lips until it feels like they might just come off if he's really upset.

I love it. I think it's so sweet the way one hand just automatically goes up to the face of whoever is holding him and just rests on their cheek or searches for their mouth or nose. When he gets sleepy and someone is holding him he keeps moving his hand around their face and you know he's actually asleep when his hand stops moving...which can be several minutes after he has closed his eyes and stopped wiggling.

Don't know why he does it or how long it will last but I sure think it's cute.
1 comment:
That IS cute! Payton does that, too. In fact, this morning I got a nice scratch on my lip because of it, but it's so endearing! Tate is such a cutie!
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