We decided to have the movers move Glenn's car. It was an option and we figured it would be nice to drive together and only put the miles on one car, etc. As the movers were loading it on the truck the ramp slipped just enough that the car smashed against the side of the truck. They tried to correct it, but what resulted was a huge scratch in the side of the car. Their insurance will take care of it. But it was still pretty sad after not even owning the car for a week!
Then on Glenn's second day of work he caught a huge rock in the middle of the windshield resulting in a rock chip almost as big as a penny.
THEN as we were driving to Dallas this last weekend for Glenn's birthday (more details to come) I was trying to keep Tate happy in the back seat and we were watching little videos of him on my camera and he just errupted. It was so so very much vomit. It was a lot and it was over and over again. He probably threw up 4-5 times in a row and by the time we could pull the car over his car seat was soaked and it had run down the cracks, through the back, and down the sides and all over the car. It was just pouring down into the seat belt slots. So gross.
We have no idea what happened because Tate didn't throw up again. We think he must have just been car sick. Glenn was a great sport. We had to adjust our plans a bit but we eventually got it cleaned up. Now his car smells great again.
And finally, to conclude (hopefully) this string of bad luck Glenn got a brand new phone for his birthday on Friday. It was very nice and very high tech and exactly what he wanted. He did research on services that are the best in the places he will be traveling for work this year and found the perfect phone. He played with it all weekend and uploaded apps and all sorts of other things. And then on Monday he took it to work and it got stolen. Ah...good times. Luckily we got insurance on it so they're going to get us another one eventually (it's on back order), after we pay a nice deductible of course.
oh man!! there are major blessings there... insurance and such, but still, so stinky! and I feel for you with the vomit situation. each of my children have taken their turn doing that driving down the canyon from mccall. Not Pleasant. and you're so helpless in that moment, you have to just sit and watch the mess get worse! glad you got it cleaned up... hopefully the streak is over!!
Glenn has sure been a good sport about the car! I hope you can find some medicine that will help Tato on the trips.
Wow, guys! that's horrible. I hope you got the car detailed to get the smell out.
Keep on smilin' together. We've had those steaks. Two totaled cars in two weeks (both mine that Kev was driving before we were married.) Of course at the time it was such a pain...hindsight its a good laugh.
Nice vomit picture. Poor, sweet Tate. I still can't belive Glenn's phone was stolen at work?!? Crazy.
I can't believe all that. I thought bad luck came in 3's, so this must mean that you guys are done for a really long time! Sorry about the sick little buddy, that was random. At least you had a sense of humor enough to laugh at it.
wow that really stinks. hey so we would love to get together sometime. we have a pool too that isn't as warm as a bath! just let me know
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