And the fish tank.
When we got home our kitchen looked like this:
our family room
Thursday the guys showed up at 8 ish and loaded all the boxes and furniture into the truck. We took off to the outlet malls to get out of their way. They were all loaded by noon. The cleaners came at 2 and cleaned for a couple of hours and then we locked up our house, said another tearful goodbye, and drove to Houston. The Cluffs gave us a really sweet moving pack, complete with tissues (certainly came in handy), snacks, new trucks and books for Tate to play with (super thoughful considering all of his were packed away for a couple days), new grocery lists and baby sitter info sheets. It was perfect.
We stayed in a hotel Thursday night, woke up early Friday and as we were getting packed and ready to leave Tate went over to the door, grabbed the doorknob and said, "Home. Home. Go home!" Glenn and I just looked at each other all sad. Sorry buddy. We're not going back home. We're going to a new home. Poor kid has been so confused.
Then we drove to our apartment complex to sign contracts and get keys. Bad news, 18 wheelers are not allowed on the property. The guys were not happy. That meant they had to park the truck outside the gate and carry everything across the lot and then up three flights of stairs to our apartment. Sorry guys. SO SO glad we didn't have to move in all of our stuff up three flights of stairs. Seriously, how lucky are we? It would have been really bad.
We spent the rest of the day unpacking, throwing stuff away, and organizing our new place. Throwing out all the tissue and boxes proved a more difficult process than we had thought because our trash bin is across the complex.
We spent the rest of the day unpacking, throwing stuff away, and organizing our new place. Throwing out all the tissue and boxes proved a more difficult process than we had thought because our trash bin is across the complex.
It was seriously a heavenly way to move. Here is Tate checking out the view from his new room. I'll work on taking pictures of our new place today.
Can't wait to see more pictures of your new place. I can't believe they wouldn't let the moving truck in!?!? That is just silly. At least it's all over. We must come visit you soon!
What a fantastic way to move! That seriously is the only way to do it. I am sure we wouldn't have made a dent in that semi' storage space either. It's huge! The children's museum looks so fun, and what sweet friends you have there, so thoughtful.
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