We had one particularly rousing game of Guesstures.
Mya watched for a while and then decided she wanted to get in on the fun too. She knew just what to do with the cards. 
And kept doing the same funny pose. So stinkin' cute.
Mya was serving us cupcakes out of this "window".
Then Tate had to try it too!
Adam asked him, "What's wrong Tate?"
"I cwying."
"Why are you crying Tate?"
"I sad."
"Why are you sad Tate?"
"I sick."
We quoted their conversation all week long.
Later as we sped through the lights on Temple Square because it was late, we stopped at the nativity. It was beautiful. We were all a little tender as we listened to the music and the story. We were tired but so glad we took time to walk around the temple together.

This trip I especially enjoyed watching my little man spend time with my family. Here are some of my favorite moments.- My dad left on a business trip just a couple days after we arrived so we didn't get to see too much of him. However, the first day we arrived he walked in the door and we told Tate to go see who it was. Tate walked around the corner and said, "Gampa" really soft then ran up and gave him a big hug. It was so sweet.
- Nanna loved all the snuggles of course. He was most snuggly when watching a movie so she would scoop him up and shoo us out of the room so he would snug her longer.
- Nanna loved all the snuggles of course. He was most snuggly when watching a movie so she would scoop him up and shoo us out of the room so he would snug her longer.
- Watching Aubry having an in-depth conversation on the floor with Tate about his favorite foods.
- Tate and Mya played so nice together all week. Of course, it helped that Tate didn't try to hug/tackle her much this time.

- Tate had one particular afternoon of adoring baby Sadie. He wanted to hold her on his lap and then he practically laid on her on the ground trying to hug her and then kept saying, "I wanna kither" (kiss her). It was sweet to see him adore his little cousin.
- Adam wrestled with little man and I think it was the highlight of his week. He laughed so hard and loved the rough boy play time.

- For some reason Tate loved climbing in this little jumper seat and of course he'd get stuck quite frequently. Once he looked over at Auntie Cami sitting on the couch and just said, "Cami, help!" I thought it was sweet that he not only knew her name, but that she would help him out if he asked her.
- Auntie Mallo snuggling Tate in the mornings and sharing her cereal. She even let him tell her which color of marshmallows he would like next. He's so spoiled.
- Auntie Kenzie is always so great at getting down on his level and playing with him. It was also wonderful to have her help with Tate as we did a LOT of shopping, (sisters had Christmas clothes money to spend) and movie going that week.
Another wonderful trip back home. We miss you guys and thanks for the good times and for being so sweet to my little man.
Tate had a special treat on the way home. We always stop to wave at the pilot at the front of the plane, but this time the pilot saw him and let him explore the cock pit
and even sit in the pilot's chair.
He had the BIGGEST grin on his face for the first 10 minutes of the flight. It was so sweet.
Glenn took pictures from the window most of the flight. Man, I miss those mountains.
It was beyond fantastic to have you guys here. I am especially thankful for you and that you were her to play. Your little man is probably the sweetest little boy I've met. I love that little boy SO much!
THat little man is adorable!
haha Oh that little nephew of mine doesn't have an ounce of not cute in him. I think I could listen to him laugh all day. Dar-ling! One fact is ever true and that is that I miss you and our late night talks. You are wonderful.
Looks like you had a blsst!
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