- Every morning Tate wakes up and insist "Logan is awake! Logan wants to come out!" When in fact, she usually woke up about half an hour after him and it was torture waiting for her to wake up!
- Realized many differences between little girls and little boys. Seriously, it's amazing how even so young they are all girl or boy. For example, Tate eats a lot, quickly. He's picky about what he eats, but the food he likes are cleared from his plate in minutes and usually it looks like this in the process:
Logan sits there with her food in front of her singing to herself for half an hour and her plate still looks like this:
We played with some chalk outside for a little bit one afternoon. Tate couldn't wait to start coloring. We made shapes and letters and played games.
Logan preferred to just carefully gather all the pieces of chalk up and hug them.
By the end of our chalk time Tate looked like he had taken a bath in a rainbow.
L: Tate's Daddy, I am 2 and you are 48!
Glenn: Oh really?
L: Yeah! Hey Tate, your Daddy is 48!
T: Yeah, he is:
Both giggle for a long time.
- Then there was a trip to the zoo of course. It was the perfect day to go. Great weather, which we've been a little short on this week.
Our group's favorite this time was the reptile house. The littles loved the alligators right behind the glass!
Of course we can't miss the enormous snakes.
And then a little trip to the zoo aquarium on our way out. Sting rays and jellyfish were favorites as usual.
- It was surprising how much longer everything took this week. Getting ready, getting out the door, getting in the car, getting out of the car...you name it. I should have expected it I guess because that's how it felt we added one little person to our lives so of course it's a shock to the internal stop watch when we added another.
Tate is going to be seriously bummed out tomorrow morning when he wakes up and his little friend is not in the next room, ready to play with him. We love you Logs, thanks for coming to play!
What a fun week for Tato. Seemed about like having a twin or a sibling. You might have to borrow Logan back for detox.
It's a lot easier when the two aren't the same age. Besides, if you have another one, they start out immobile and you ease into a routine. You had a crash course! But it lookes like Tate-o had a blast!
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