Unfortunately, the two girls got sick the very morning after we arrived and were sick the whole week. They let us stay anyway and we had a great time. The kiddos played with toys and play dough,
Tate jumped on the trampoline while I practiced using my new camera. 

(The response to "where's mom?")
We met up with Lindsey and Owen at the mall. Some great girl conversation for me and a train and carousel ride for Tate. Everyone's happy!
Then Stephen watched the kiddos that evening while Janelle and I went downtown to the "Moulin Rouge" sing along at the Alamo Draft house on 6th street. It was hilarious. While not my favorite movie, it was an incredible event. So many drunk people in one theater. Just hilarious. They gave us all props to wave during certain songs and they dropped confetti and even had fireworks at one point when the characters kissed. It was a hilarious good time and a great girls night out with Janelle. Thanks so much for the good times Cluffs!!
On the way home Tate and I had a little mom/son adventure and stopped off at the Blue Bell ice cream factory. Tate was deliriously giddy after having been cooped up in the car and was a very giggly boy during the tour. He had everyone just busting up with his antics.
It was really fun and the perfect half way stop to break up the drive. The tour was short and then we had chocolate dipped strawberry ice cream afterwards. Wow it was good! But his favorite part by far was the old ice cream delivery truck they had outside. He loved it. He ran right up to it and said, "Hi old car! Hi!"
I'm so excited for Glenn to get back this week. This is his last week away and we're very ready for him to be home. I hope it's a while before he has to travel again. We miss him around here but we really have been trying to stay busy and have lots of adventures. I really love our mom son adventures.
OH Tate-e I love you so much! I'm glad you got to get out and have some fun girl time! We might need to go to the ice cream place when I come visit! -Kenzie
Sounds like a great get-away! Glad you went. So independent of you. Way to go!
Well never fear, his cuteness is ever in tact! And you, my dear sis, are doing great with your new camera. Seriously your pictures look wonderful.
So fun that you got a little vaca to break up your week without Glenn. You always find fun adventures for Tate to experience. Now I wish I could have Tate for a week so you could head to Cancun or Hawaii. If only. Every winter needs a little beach time, don't you think?
Tha Moulin Rouge sing along sounds great! Haha. So when are we getting together?? We DO lve in the same city!
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