We had a Toy Story party and Tate was in heaven.
We hid army guys around the room and everyone had fun finding them and putting them in their little bags. Then we played pin the tail on Bullseye.
Little Miss Logan was very excited about being blindfolded.
Tate and Kennedy, not so much.
Then we played a fishing game, also known as "the claw".
Glenn hid behind this sheet and clipped toys to their fishing pole. They thought it was the coolest.
Then a round of musical chairs.
When the music stopped they had to stand on a picture of a toy story character and if that picture was drawn out of a bag they got a prize. Tate was very attached to his new silly straws.
It was fun to watch their faces. They totally understood when they were the winner and rushed to Glenn to get their prize. So cute.
Tate loved having us sing Happy Birthday to him. He just ate it up. And he thought his birthday cake that Dad made him was extra cool. He's been telling us for weeks, "I want a blue birthday cake for my birthday party."
He was fascinated by the candles and got a bit too close with his lips, and then he was too timid to get close again.
As soon as we helped him blow them out he yelled, "Wo! Smoke!" Very exciting.
Then we had lunch. Pizza from "plizza planet" as Tate calls it. We all sat down on a big sheet and ate cake and pizza while watching a bit of Toy Story.
Hooray for cake!
It was small, but really fun. Tate was SO happy which was the goal. I just wanted him to have an extra fun day playing with friends and being the center of attention. Happy Birthday Kiddo!
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Tatoooo!
Happy Birthday to you.
(Sung with gusto from your Thomas cousins!!! )
soooo fun!! I bet Tate just loved that! so Ryan said he is coming to houston in april for a few days, and I think Jax and I are going to come with him. I would love to hang out with you when we come! :)
So much fun! Such a creative mom and dad! We love you so much Tate, you bring so much sunshine into our lives even though you are far away. We love you so very much!
So cute! happy birthday sweet boy!
What an amazing party! I love all of the little details. He's going to love is when he gets older and realizes all that you did. What a fun birthday!!
Toy Story Party Supplies
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