It's been far too long ago now but our Harry Potter evening simply must be documented. My friend Janelle, who lives in Austin, and I have been talking for months about how to get together to see the last HP midnight movie. It seemed like we just couldn't make it work out and then at the very last minute she had quite a nice reason to come down here. She heard about a quilting store closing down here so she made the trip and we hit up a fabulous sale. Everything was super cheap and I seriously stocked up. Thanks for the tip Janelle! The store was crazy crowded, the lines were crazy long, and the kids held up quite nicely in spite of the cramped spaces and the heat. Man, was it hot in there. Here are the three kiddos camped out in the corner (we took turns supervising and shopping).
The photo shamelessly stolen from Janelle's blog. Thanks Janelle...
Then that night we snuck off to see the movie.
It was so fun to be out with Janelle and to have a good friend to be nerdy with. No, we didn't dress up, but we hoped to make fun of those who did. Unfortunately, there were very very few. But we had a great time anyway. The movie was great. I quite enjoyed it. There were parts that brought me close to tears (I know, I know. But that poor Snape is just so sad.) and I found myself very satisfied at the end. They did a great job wrapping up this story and legacy and I'm really glad we saw it!
And this video, as random and poorly done as it is, is just for my momma. Because she doesn't care how random and poorly done they are, she just wants to hear Tate's voice. The other night I sang "So this is love" from Cinderella, to Tate before bed and for the next 15 minutes we heard him singing over and over, "so this is love, mmmmmm, so this is love, mmmmm." it was so cute. I tried to catch a few rounds from the bathroom next to his room but this is all we got.
Kim I'm glad you went to see the midnight premiere. It must have been perfect for you to get out! UHHH ok that bideo is so stinkin cute! I love that little boy!
I need to hear Tato sing this a couple of times a day. He is so sweet.
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