A couple days ago we were watching Tate hit one of Glenn's golf balls around in the kitchen with a drum stick and we thought, "seriously, let's just take this kid golfing." So we packed up and went out to play mini golf. We all had loads of fun. Tate let Glenn help him swing the club just once or twice.
There were way too many cool things to see and climb on to be confined like that for too long. There were all these animals that glowed in the dark, things floating from the ceiling, paintings on the wall.
It was a magical land! He had to hug and climb on every animal we came across. Very fun outing.
Then yesterday Tate and I ventured out to Discovery Green, a big park right in the middle of down town. Tate thought it was pretty cool to play right by all the "castles". It has this huge fountain that kids can run around in and a big playground right around the corner. 

We tried to get there early but it was still just crazy hot. Tate had a blast. We went last year too. Look how little he was.
Sheesh kid. Slow down, will ya? It was a great outing. Tate thought it was all so cool.
He just ran and ran until the fountains stopped, then he'd look down the holes waiting for the water to come back out.
A sweet friend who went with us even let him borrow their umbrella for a bit. He loved that.
In other news, I'm busy sewing like mad during Tate's naps trying to get my inventory up for a big craft fair in September. I'm really excited for it and hope I can do as well as last year. It's going to take a lot of work over the next month to get ready because I want to have more to sell than I did last year and...I'm no where close.
Glenn's busy at work and loving it, which is such a blessing. He's been looking for some good motivation to run and something to train for, and he found it. He signed up for a marathon on March 3rd. The guy's insane. He'll do awesome, I'm sure. I'm excited for him to have a goal that big. It will be good for him. Also, he came home from work yesterday and told us he has to leave this morning for 6 days. Major bummer. Hate it when that happens. Also yesterday, however, my sisters decided to make a last minute trip here. They're coming tonight for a week. So while Glenn's going to be out of town, at least they'll be here to keep us company! It's going to be a wonderfully busy week and will be so nice to have company again! Happy last few weeks of summer everyone!
Can I tell you my heart skipped a little beat when I saw you updated... I just love seeing you and your cute boys. I can't imagine the heat, truly that has to be insane. Your mini golf place looks awesome! Of course Mr. Tate would have to climb on everything it's just SO cool!!! Glad you are going to have a little girl time to play! Have so much fun!! Loves and Kisses coming from me to all of you!
I love to see when the updates come too. The girls are sure excited to come visit. Hope you can get some indoor shopping done in that awful heat. The splash pad looks refreshing. I think I would be hitting that every day!
Also loved the Porgy and Bess title!
Glad your sisters can be there while Glen is away...so excited to see you guys this weekend! Can't wait to hear Tate talk again :)
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