We were charged with doing some serious back to school shopping during their stay so their first few days here were filled with just that. We hit up the mall close to our house, the woodlands mall and market street, and also the outlet mall. We had fun finding unique things and Tate was actually a super good sport and was just so happy to be out and about with his Aunties. He had a big smile on his face the whole time.
We had a nice, relaxing Sunday. Just chilled inside and went to our late afternoon church meetings. On Monday we went for a run, did some shopping, then after naps we took a trip to the NASA space center. We did not leave ourselves near enough time to play around there. There was so much fun stuff to see and play with and we were really in a rush to get in as much as we wanted to in our three hour stay before it closed for the day. I wasn't sure if it would be any fun for Tate but he adored it all. 

He was thrilled to see real rockets and space ships and astronauts. We went in this one exhibit that had so many favorites it was an overload and he just kept saying, "That's a rocket! Those are stars! Space rocks! A moon!" over and over in a very animated voice while pointing to each thing.
This big Saturn rocket is just amazing. It is unbelievably big. Kenzie, poor dear, got sucked into the engine.
Tate, Mallo and Kenzie at the entrance to a space station model.
One of our favorite moments from NASA day was watching Kenzie stand in front of this series of mirrors that was supposed to represent what you would look like and what you would weigh on different planets. She thought it was pretty cool that she would only weigh 60 pounds on Saturn. She took pictures of herself in each mirror...including the one representing earth. Her complete fascination with the exhibit was so funny.
Tuesday we went swimming in the morning. It was a really nice chill time.
Then we picked Glenn up and went down town to the science museum to see the butterfly exhibit. We met some hissing cockroaches among many other nasty bugs.
Then went out into the butterfly conservatory. We carried cards to try to identify some of the different kinds. Mal and Kenz were a little startled by how friendly the little butterflies were.
Tate, however, had much more fun this time and would giggle when they flew close to him.
Eventually Mal and Kenz got friendly with the butterflies, even stepping in for some close pictures...as long as the butterflies were holding still.
Then, since it was free day at the museum, we wandered through the rest of the science museum too.
Tate is learning about porosity and permeability in the oil and gas exhibit. Glenn was very proud.
For dinner we showed the girls a fun little Cajun restaurant down town with delicious beignets. Oh my heart.
For their last afternoon we perused the aquarium. Such a fun place to visit. Tate loved every minute of course, but so did we.
The white tiger was especially frisky that day. There was a guy who tried to rile him up and the tiger got so mad he jumped on his hind legs, tried to paw the guy's face through the glass, and growled really loudly. Man, were we glad the glass was there. Those beasts are SO big.
I was selfishly glad to learn that the girls were as tired as I am during Tate's nap time. I was thinking my feeling of crashing at noonish was just due to my being preggers, but I think the morning jogs in the soul-crushing heat may actually have something to do with it. We were all so bushed!
It was nice to have someone to jog with and complain with about all of the sweat and gross heat.
Oh it was such a nice week. We had an absolute blast together. We watched movies and Office episodes, ate skookies (a new favorite!) to our hearts (but certainly not our waistbands) content, played really hard, laughed at pretty much everything Kenzie said, and talked a lot. I especially loved little moments like these:
Little moments Tate was able to spend with his Aunties. I miss those little things because we live away and it makes me so happy to see Tate love his Aunties. Tate loved reading stories with Auntie Mallo this trip. Once he even asked her to read to him AND sing his bed time song instead of me. I was thrilled that he was so taken with her.
We miss you ladies. Thanks for a wonderful visit and please come again!!!
Oh man that was so much fun! Wow kim did you really get that "nice" picture when I was sleeping! Nice!! haha Thanks so much kim for having us! That was so much fun that we had things planned everyday, and spent so much time together! With no parents! haha Thanks kim I love you!!!
Looks like such fun! These visits really need to be at least a quarterly event down there or up here. Tato is just changing too fast! It will be even more fun when there are two. Mom
I really don't know how you do it. Everytime you have visitors it seems like you go hard. Your days sounded packed and fun. I'm glad you got to have such fun with your sisters.
THE best of times!! Oh my goodness I need your pictures. You have pictures of stuff that I don't...and your camera is the bees knees. We really did sooo much that we were physically exhausted at the end of everyday. I love that. I miss our late night talks and mugs of frozen dairy as we google at young Richard Gere. haha Miss you. Thanks for a fabulous week!
No fair, you're sisters come all the time!
How fun! I"m impressed you still get out and jog in this terrible hot weather!
Wish we could see y'all to play again soon!
sounds like a blast, you let look great, hows the pregnancy going?
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