It's been a very busy week. We signed papers on our new house last Thursday. Glenn left for a day to go to Oklahoma to do a little recruiting for his work. The Cluffs came to go house hunting and we were able to see them a bit. They even stayed with us Saturday and Sunday nights. We were reminded again how much we miss them. And we're super excited for them to move here. They are such good friends.
By the way, now that we're moved out of our apartment, here are a few pictures of it!

Aptly named the Glass House apartments, they have floor to ceiling windows in every room. Down that hallway we had 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
It was very nice. It felt a little cramped sometimes, probably partially due to the fact that we had to take elevators to parking garages or through hallways and several doors to get to the outside world. But it was lovely, and we're SO grateful that Glenn's company takes such good care of us throughout this process.And speaking of how good Newfield is to us, on Monday the movers drove this truck
up to this new house, (no, we don't have snow anymore. This picture was from a few weeks ago.)
and unloaded all our possessions. Oh this is SO the way to move. Tate loved it all. The big truck outside, the big strong guys walking around carrying boxes, all of our things coming into our new house. Each box was like a new surprise present!
He even found a cave and pretended to be a bear for a little while.
My new kitchen used to look like this:
Then Aunt Nancy came over and helped me dig it out from beneath the boxes. It's nice to have one room entirely unpacked. A few other rooms are still buried in boxes, the office is particularly full, but we're chipping away at it. I'm very happy to finally be in a permanent living situation! It's been months of waiting for the different temporaries to end and now they have, and we're in this beautiful home that will be quite cozy once all the boxes are gone, at which point I will post some "after" pictures.The boys and I went for a jog around our neighborhood trail this morning. Dear me, these hills, while nothing compared to the New Hampshire hills my sister-in-law runs on, are absolutely killing me. It will get easier. Eventually. Right?
Picture Wednesday
Finn at 13 weeks old
Hooray for your new house!! I'm with you, I don't think that I would be very good at highrise living. I like to walk in my door and be home. Don't get me wrong I think the walls of glass could be kinda cool, but not forever. I want to work for new field so that.we can have an awesome truck and movers pack us up when that day comes. That is so nice. Thanks for more cute pics of our sweet Finn. He gets cuter every week! Good luck with the unpack, just take one box at a time. Love you!
I'm so glad you are finally in your permanent home. You've had three fast months. New baby, new job, new town and new home. Anything else we don't know about? Hope you can feel settled soon. Finnster is getting cuter all the time.
Congrats! I miss Denver!
Art and Heather say it's booootiful! Nice! I agree, that is SO the way to move. And yes, the running will get easier - Denver is a tad bit hillier than TX? Cute baby pics. How are the headaches...?
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