Grandma Heather and Grandpa Arthur came for a very quick visit last week. They came Sunday afternoon and were gone by Tuesday afternoon but we managed to cram a lot of fun into those two days. Finn was very happy to meet his Grandparents for the first time and shared lots of smiles.
The boys had a little bonding time on Sunday watching African Cats together.
Tate had tons of fun playing with Grandpa. They played with cars and read many stories together.
Monday morning we decided to check out Hammonds Candy factory and go on a little tour.
It's a fun little treasure just a few blocks from our apartment. We loved our special visitor's stickers.
It was interesting watching them make and package all the candy.
But I think I can safely say that everyone's favorite part was the store at the end of the tour. Tate was in heaven with all the candy canes and lollipops.
After naps we spent the afternoon at the downtown aquarium. We had been to the aquarium in Houston, but this one takes the cake. It's easily three times the size of the one in Houston and very cool.
Sometimes Tate wanted to rush us along to show Grandma and Grandpa his favorite parts. But once in a while he just stopped to the rest of us. The under water world is oh so cool. I think I could stare at sea turtles all day. Beautiful.
At the end there's a sting ray feeding pool. Tate even got in on the action this time. Well, he didn't end up feeding any, but he did hold the fish. He got a little nervous when the stingrays came close.
Grandpa Arthur certainly understood that feeling. Grandma got right in there but Grandpa needed a little encouraging...

It was a great little family bonding moment.
Eventually Grandpa warmed up to the little creatures. I think he just prefers to see them from about this distance.
On our last morning with the grandparents we went for a little drive to the Buffalo Bill Museum and gravesite. They had a neat museum with tons of artifacts and stories about his life and his Wild West Show. There was a little room where you could sit on a horse and try to rope a little calf. And then there were some western dress up clothes. Couldn't pass that up, now could we?

Thanks for the visit Gramma and Grampa. It was so wonderful to see you and we had so much fun playing with you. Next time stay longer!
haha k that last picture is my favorite kim! you crack me up!
You guys always manage to discover the most amazing places! That candy factory is definitely on my to see list when I make it to Denver sometime, also the aquarium. I am sure your boys loved having gramma and grandpa there.
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