Picture Tuesday. Tate at 20 weeks old. 
We had a super busy and super fun last week. Glenn has wanted to be back at his home during the summertime, especially for the Fourth of July, for a really long time so we finally made the trip. It was fun and fast. It's like I blinked and we're home again. On Wednesday night we flew out to Boston. Our flight was delayed because of bad weather in Boston so we ended up getting to Andover, NH at 4:30 am. It was a long night, but we made it.

We were excited for Tate to meet his grandparents. It was the first time he met Gramma Heather.

And Grampa Arthur.

They got along very well and he certainly showed them his best side throughout the weekend. It was so great to show off our little boy for a weekend. Tate met most of the town during out stay. On Thursday we woke up bright and early, thank you Tate, and spent the day running errands with Gramma Heather. New Hampshire really is one of the most beautiful places on earth. We get to go back every Thanksgiving because that's the holiday that Glenn's brothers are in town for so we get to spend time with them. Glenn tells me every year that I'm seeing New Hampshire at its ugliest and I still think it's beautiful. It is even more beautiful in the summer. Everything is green and the lakes are gorgeous. We were hoping for better weather. It rained on and off all weekend and was pretty cold. Well, cold for us. But that was actually great. We were glad for the break from the heat even if it meant that it was a bit too cold for swimming while we were there.
On Friday we headed down to Boston to see a much anticipated Red Sox game at Fenway Park. Glenn found out months ago that there was a game on the third and spent countless hours online looking for tickets in just the right section and for just the right price. It became a very serious hunt unlike any I had known, and I grew up with men who take hunting very seriously. Apparently since the Red Sox started getting good again every season is sold out and tickets are nearly impossible to get from the Red Sox association so you just have to get them from other people who are selling them online. He finally found some and we were all very excited to experience Fenway Park. Glenn had been several times growing up but it had been years. It was awesome. We drove down to Boston and took the T into town.

"What is with this Red Sox thing again?"

Tate and Glenn outside Fenway Park. It was strange walking down the busy Boston street and then you see this huge building that looks just like any other big, old building, except that there are stadium lights sticking out the top. They close the streets around the park and it's just a huge party. Music blasting. People selling enormous italian sausages. People selling all sorts of Red Sox gear to suckers like us.
Tate in his little man red sox shirt. Yes, we bought him a shirt. How could we not? He's sort of stopped sucking on his fingers and started just holding them in front of his mouth and licking them. It's funny looking.
Tate with Gramma Heather and Grampa Arthur at the game.
Wearing dad's new Red Sox hat at the game. Notice the soaking shirt. Drooling has not let up at all. Silly boy.
Glenn, Tate, and I. Tate was great throughout the game. He slept and played and just fussed once when he got hungry. They played the Seattle Mariners and the game went into 11 innings. It got exciting in the 11th with a home run and two outs but they ended up losing anyway. It was so much fun just being in the park. It's so old and full of history and just quirky. It's the oldest park in the league and they've had to do all sorts of things to try to update it without knocking it down. It has such character and a cool feeling about it. That, and the Boston fans are a species all their own. Feisty and fiercely loyal at the same time. For example, in the 4th inning, I think, a ball got hit into the stands by the Mariners and a fan reached out and caught it before the Red Sox player could catch it for an out and the entire park was furious at this fan. Glenn pointed out that they didn't replay that clip on the big screen so people could get a good look at the guy who caught the ball because he probably wouldn't make it out of the park if people saw his face. Oh my.
There are a lot of fun traditions at Fenway. My favorite is singing Sweet Caroline in the 7th inning. Everyone on their feet and singing as loud as they can. It was great.
Art and Heather after the game.
Glenn, Tate, and I after the game. 
Another late night. The game went late then we took the T back to the car and drove 2 hours back to New Hampshire. We got to bed around 3. Seriously, Tate was a trooper this weekend!
The next day we geared up for the Fourth, celebrated Andover style. Glenn tried to prepare me for the spectacle that is an Andover Fourth of July but it almost defied description. Everyone from nearby towns come to Andover because they know how to throw a party. There was a pancake breakfast, a huge flea market of sorts with people selling all sorts of wares, great food...and some more interesting food, a parade, little shows all day long, and then amazing fireworks at night. It was like everywhere I looked there was a Norman Rockwell painting. Classic old American Fourth of July. It was so fun. Here's Glenn and Tate at the parade. He loved showing off his little accessory to everyone in the town.
The "One-Wheelers". Yep, Andover Elementary school has a unicyling team complete with streamers and matching uniforms. They performed on the street and then in the parade as well. Wow.
A traditional part of the parade and a highlight in my opinion was "Leapin' Lena". This old school car that can pop back on its' back wheels and drive along.
Here are Glenn and Tate again getting ready for the fireworks in the field. The fireworks show was really big and quite impressive. Especially when you consider the size of the town of Andover that is putting on the show. It was great and lasted about 15 minutes or so. Tate was asleep by then and slept soundly the whole time.
We had a great time. It was so nice to catch up with Art and Heather and spend so much time with them. So glad we took the time and money to just do it. Thanks for all the fun!