We went up to Austin for Tate's 5 month appointment last weekend. The doctor said that she wanted to see him at 5 months because his weight dropped so much by percentile between months 2 and 4 (75th to 40th). So we went in and he had dropped to the 25th percentile. He now weighs 15 pounds even (25th percentile), is 26 1/2 inches long (75th percentile). She is concerned enough about his drop in weight percentile that she ordered some blood and urine tests. The blood draw was no fun at all. It was much worse watching that than watching his shots. Luckily he had dad to make it all better once we got home.
She also put him on a "diet" of sorts. We have to start supplementing with formula 3 times a day and feeding him food as well. Tate needs to at least stay in the 25th percentile next month and we'll be fine. If he drops again we are supposed to see a specialist of some sort because apparently that would mean something is not quite right. The Dr. said she's not worried about the fact that he is in the 25th percentile, but about the drop in percentile from just a few months ago to now. I guess that's not normal. In order to stay in the 25th percentile at 6 months he needs to weigh 16 pounds. So the race is on. Tate needs to gain 1 pound this month. Last month he only gained 8 ounces so we have some work to do.
Tate is NOT amused by the changes around here. He's sort of sluggish and spits up a lot (which is strange because the kid doesn't normally spit up much). He's also decided to wake up quite a bit more at night. And he does NOT like rice cereal, that much is pretty clear. We tried it a month ago when the doctor told us to and this was the result:He basically spit it out and gagged over and over. We thought it was pretty darn funny. We're terrible parents.
So this time we tried mixing it with apple juice. Another "Absolutely not, Mom and Dad". Not as much gagging this time but it was pretty funny watching his whole body just cringe away when he saw the spoon coming. All in all, we're not too worried. I think the whole percentile thing is kind of a bunch of fluff. I'd rather my doctor be more cautious than not I suppose so if there is something up we'll find it sooner rather than later. But Tate is growing and he's pleasant and seems full after he eats so I think he's fine. Maybe he just came as a big baby and he's decided to put on the brakes for a while. Nonetheless, here we are, in the race to put on a pound in a month. So easy for Glenn and I. Why so difficult for our son?
poor little tate! if only he was a 20 or 30 something female, his problem would be terrific! good luck getting him to pack it on.
have the blood test results come back? You'll have to let me know how it all turns out. Dr. P never told us to give Lizzy formula or anything, but my kids LOVE to eat solids, so maybe she packed on the weight from the baby food.
Good luck! It was so fun to see ya'll on Saturday!
Those pics of Tate eating the cereal are funny. Sometimes Nate and I laugh at Kenna when she cries...she just makes the funniest faces. I guess we're horrible parents too, but it seems to me it is better to laugh than to get all stressed out. I hope that Tate is able to pack on the pounds this month.
Awesome Pics!!! I'm with you, if he's happy and content, I sometimes think the percentiles are for the birds. Our Tanner, well, need I say more.
Those pictures are hilarious! Go Tatey go! He sure looks good and I hope you find something he likes; I agree with Tate - rice cereal is bland and yucky. Good luck mama! Oh and P.S. Fabulous Etsy pieces. You have such a good eye.
I tend to agree with 321. As long as he seems happy and otherwise fine, chances are he's probably fine! Tess did NOT dig the rice cereal at first, but she came around, keep trying! Maybe try the baby oatmeal too, that seems to not taste quite as bad to me and is totally the same consistency.
My sister's baby never liked rice cereal at all, but he did like baby oatmeal. Maybe you could give that a try? I agree though that the percentile thing is a bunh of crap. :)
Wow, he looks so much like a little boy now! I had to laugh at Tate's reaction to rice cereal because Nathan STILL refuses to eat it. He eats pretty much EVERYTHING else, but no rice cereal or cream of wheat. I hope everything is going well with Tate and his weight. At least he is still happy and eating!
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