One benefit to living in an enormous city is that there are usually some really cool things to do for FREE! I like to research such activities and this past weekend we tried a new one. We live right across the street from an enormous park that has a zoo, a golf course, and a huge outdoor theater among other things. The outdoor theater is really big and all of the plays and shows that are performed there are FREE! You can get a ticket for the seated area if you stand in line the afternoon of the show or you can just show up and sit on a blanket on the huge lawn. Glenn stood in line while I was at Enrichment and got us seats. It was SO nice to be able to go to a play again. I haven't been for...far too long.
We saw 42nd Street and I have to be honest, I was a little bit skeptical. I mean, the last time I saw 42nd Street it was on Broadway and how good can this little outdoor theatre in Houston that does shows for free actually be? Well, I was pleasantly surprised. It was a very impressive production. The live orchestra, the amazing costumes, the fun, familiar 40's music that had you tapping your toes and humming along, and the tappers that just did not stop despite the breathtaking heat. One of Glenn's friends from back East stopped by for a visit a couple of weeks ago and described the heat here as "soul-crushing". An accurate description. The theatre season is called "Theatre Under the Stars" TUTS. I think it should be renamed, "Theatre On The Sun". Seriously, the play started at 8:15 and ended at almost 11 and the entire time I was sweating like crazy. Sweating from places I didn't know could sweat. We started stripping poor Tatie down, probably more because we wanted to strip ourselves than that he actually needed it. But for theatre on the surface of the sun, it was pretty awesome. It was really nice to be able to see such a great production for free, and to see it outside where we could bring Tate! Here's a picture of the theater.
Tate and his daddy.
Tate apparently didn't appreciate me talking to Glenn during the performance! The kid knows his audience etiquette. He just sat quitely on our laps and then fell asleep when he got tired without so much as a peep. He's been well taught.

That looks like such a blast! What a fun experience to get to see such a great production for FREE! That is just unheard of here. Mr. Tate you are just getting too big for your britches, you can't be rolling over yet and doing all those big boy things because I still want you to be my little snuggly nephew. I love you all!
What fun! See there are neat things about being in a big city. You are especially lucky to be close enough to walk so that you don't have to fight the traffic. How is Glenny Poo taking the radar blast's this week? We love him and are thinking of him.
I love this blog... it means I can look at my son all day while I am at work.
Hey, get back to work Radioactive Man!
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