We went to visit Glenn during his lunch break last week and Tate could not get enough of these amazing maps Glenn made on his office wall! Glenn couldn't have been more proud. We tried to get him to say words like "horizon" and "well" but to no avail. Maybe later.
This is what Glenn has been working on this summer. In much more simple language than Glenn would use, he's been mapping and analyzing an area in the gulf that is up for lease this year and analyzing different layers to see if there are any places where pockets where oil could be trapped. He is making his presentation to the big guys next week to show them the work he's done. His presentation and performance reviews from his supervisor will help them determine whether they want to offer him a position after he graduates or not! Big week for Glenn. Today was also graduation day for Glenn. He graduated from radiation. He was very proud. The sweet nurses let him hit the graduation gong. (He was so excited to hit it that he couldn't even wait for them to get me in the waiting room to take a picture. I just heard this loud noise from the waiting room and then we had to go back and take pictures by the gong afterward.)
They even gave him a graduation certificate. It's great. It says, "having completed the prescribed course of radiation oncology with a high order of proficiency in the science and art of being cheerful, outstanding in high courage, tolerant and determined in all orders given, is therefore, now entitled to receive certification as an active member in our favorite patient club subject to all rights, honors, and privileges thereof." Awesome. The nurses there have been so sweet to us. I'm proud of my husband. He's been very busy trying to keep up with everything at his work and work hard enough to stand out as an intern while undergoing radiation which made him sick and very tired. Glenn is a trooper. I'm so glad he's my husband. I drove him to work this morning and he was singing "Pomp and Circumstance" all the way there. It's been stuck in my head all day. Couldn't ask for a more positive, patient husband. I love ya babe. Happy graduation day!
Now which pictures are the child and which the husband? Oh, I miss you Glenn! So funny! Way to go Radiation Man! Can't wait to get my hands to the Tater tot. Good luck on your presentation Glenn. I'm sure you'll be wonderful. I love you! Debi
I just realized that may have sounded inappropriate. I was meaning Tate Willam. Ha
Yea for being done!
your mother cracks me up! congrats to glenn... I'm glad you guys are through with that yucky business. in that first pic I saw you for the first time- in fact I think he looks a little like adam... is that weird? anyway, he's a doll and you sound great!
Mother dearest...I wouldn't even have thought of that. Leave it to you. That's just hilarious. I'm more than happy to share my little Tate Willem with you. So excited for next week!
Love it all!!! The post, the comments, my adorable nephew, my amazing bro-in-law! You guys are the best! I love that they have a 'gong' that is too funny! I can just see Glenn being so excited to whack that thing. Good luck on your presentations, that is kinda nerve racking. Can't wait to see you.
Congats on the graduation you cuties. Couldn't happen to anyone better (the graduation part...not the cancer.) Love you guys! Oh, and Tate is getting more and more handsome all the time. Can that be possible?
what a cute kid! I can see both you and Glenn in Tate. We're so excited to have you back in Austin!
I seriously think that you have the cutest baby!!! I am glad you guys are doing well! Miss ya!
That is awesome Glenn congratulations! I wish I could hit a gong. They should have an even bigger one than that. I'm thinking like the one they have on Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Oh yeah!
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