Christmas morning we opened presents. Tate had no idea what was going on but we sure had fun opening our presents and helping him with his. I can't wait until he's a little older and he understands what Christmas is about. It was so much more fun this year just having him around. Tate got a few toys and books.
A long horn football of course.
He really liked the bows and the crackly sound when he ripped the paper up.
Glenn got this remote control helicopter among other things. 
He had fun playing for a few minutes before we packed up and headed to the airport to go to Utah. I love my little man boy. He sure makes a fantastic daddy.
We spent a wonderful week and a half in Utah. It was fun to see everyone at home again and to spend so much time relaxing, playing games, and catching up. We saw some fabulous movies together, went to "The Savior of the World" at the Conference center, which was amazing, and spent a lot of time doing this:
Beatles Rock Band. A new Hansen house toy. We rocked out all week. Turns out I know a lot more beatles songs than I thought. Also turns out most of the lyrics to most of the Beatles songs are pretty dumb (have you ever really read the lyrics for "Come Together"? Wow.) Kenzie, Adam, and Glenn are naturals, of course. Mom, Dad, and I are...more talented in other ways.
This Christmas break there was plenty of snow which meant we were able to do a lot of this:

It's been a few years since we've had enough snow to run the four wheelers dragging tubes down the street. The best part is spinning around in really fast circles at the end of our cul-de-sac. Awesome! We took turns driving and being whipped around. I acquired some nice bruises from some sneaky hidden ice chunks. This is the first time I've ridden with Kenzie as the driver and I must say she did a good job.
I was glad that Tate was able to see a little more snow. Something we don't see in Texas.
Little Miss Mya sure has grown up in the last two months. She's just a tiny, skinny little princess and I am constantly surprised at how much personality and spunk the girl has. It's so much fun. She has a thing for glasses.
And even gave us a taste of her dancing. Nice moves babe.
Tate hit another couple of milestones during our stay at Nanna and Grampa's house. He cut his fourth tooth and took some shaky first steps. Kenzie and I made him walk back and forth one night before pjs and he was pretty tired before we got the camera out but we still caught a few good ones.
He's doing better now. He's been standing up, steadying himself, and then walking a few steps to me. He falls down a lot more than he did last week because now he knows that taking a few steps is fun to do so he tries to do it all the time even if he's not quite balanced. Lots of "I'm hurt mommy" or "that was scary mommy" snuggles. Love those. It's fun to watch his thoughts on his face. He's so stinkin' brave. Rarely does he hestitate before he dives headfirst off of something or pause before he walks away from the wall. He doesn't ever seem to think, "Hmmm, I wonder if this will hurt." He just does it. That sounds like his dad to me. In most ways I'd rather him be like that than a worrier and overthinker like me. I love my silly little boy.
Thanks so much everyone for a wonderful Christmas/New Years break. It was much needed and so nice to see you all. We love you and miss you already!
Oh yes, here are some pictures for the last two picture Tuesdays. I'm a bit behind.
Tate at 45 weeks oldCrawling out of his pj pants which are a little big on him.
Tate at 46 weeks old
Smushy face kiss from Glenn. Tate was smiling I promise.
He is so cute! He looks like he is getting a lot bigger. Looks like you guys had a fun Christmas!
Holy cow your son is adorable!! I love the video.
It was so much fun to have you guys here! It went by so fast, but I'm so glad that we got to spend time with you. I still can't get over how big our little Tate is, he is growing so fast, I miss squeezing him! The Blockus game is feeling neglected, and I miss our talks. Love you lots!
This post was chuck full of good stuff! I can't believe little Tatey is starting to take steps. Nor can I believe Tessa is cruising around babbling bossing us all around! How time flies, I'm so glad to have this outlet to record it all, and see what others are recording!
Ahhh, growing up so fast. My babies are 10 next week.:(
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