Tate at 49 weeks old.
-Crawling on hands and knees. Whenever he is moving on the ground now he's on all fours. That's right, the army crawl is no more. I actually really miss it.
- Little squeezes when I pick him up. Sometimes when he has a fall, or when I get him out of his crib in the morning or after naps he grabs my shoulder and around my neck and leans his head into my shoulder and squeezes me really tight. I absolutely love those little hugs. I don't think he knows it's a hug or that I love it so much, but I do!
-Shoulder bites. Sometimes Tate gets really excited and dives his face into our shoulders and takes a little nibble. Sometimes it's just a slimy mouth print. Sometimes he actually chomps down. Just four tiny teeth but man, those things are sharp.
- This might be too much information but it's definitely new this week too. Tate found his boy parts. He knows where they are, and he remembers that when it's bath time or when I change his diapers he can reach them. Sometimes it's a wrestle to keep his hands out of his poopy bottom parts while I'm changing him. What's the deal there? It's kind of funny and at the same time it's, "Seriously boy, cut it out."
-Much more confidence in his walking abilities. He took off all the way down the hallway today without falling over, sitting down, or grabbing onto the wall. I'm still just waiting for him to tumble when he takes off on his own but I'm waiting longer now than I used to. We sure have a sweet kid.
That first picture is so cute of Tate. I'm so glad he is finally crawling on all fours, though I do hope you have video of the army crawl for posterity. I don't think we are ready to have him walking yet so I wish you would stop pushing that! I have to witness the crawling first! That's funny he is doing the excited bite. You kids did that too. I think most kids do.
Love you! Mom
Sweet is seriously an understatement! He is so adorable I can't stand it! Such fun acomplishments for your little man, I love the video of him walking to you. Oh, so cute! It doesn't seem like he should be doing that yet. Hope you guys are doing well, miss you!
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