Tate at 48 weeks old
Tate loves bath time. He's chatting to all of his toys as he puts them in his mouth and splashes like crazy for as long as I let him stay in the tub. It's fun to see him so happy.
Tate is eleven months old this week! WOW did that ever happen fast. He is just so much fun right now. Very busy, moving non-stop, getting in to everything, but also really fun to be with. He certainly keeps us on our toes. Tate had a nice little crash on Sunday when I took him to the mother's lounge to change him. After I changed him I put him down by some metal folding chairs leaned against the wall and turned around to put things back in the diaper bag. I thought to myself, "He could probably pull those chairs down on himself and that wouldn't be good at all. But I'll only be a second. He'll be fine if I hurry really fast." The very next second he had tried to climb up the chairs. As he pulled himself up the two chairs fell on top of him. It was loud. It was scary. But he wasn't hurt too bad. He had a nice bruise on his cheek that is nearly gone already. I felt terrible, of course. It's amazing fast he can get in to things. If I am not paying attention for just a minute he's in another room getting in to something.
We've had a busy week trying to get tons of playing in before Glenn went back to school today. Sad day. We miss him already. Only one more semester of graduate school. It sure has gone fast. It's strange to think that we've been here for a year and a half and we only have one more semester to go.
What a cute little man! I just love his happy face, even with his cute little owie. I can't believe he is causing so much mischief... not my sweet Tate!
He couldn't get any cuter. And I'm with you...time sure flies!!! My three turn 10 tomorrow. :(
Man, my grandson is cute! If you get bored you can always look for houses on line or call the realtor to sell yours!!
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